Friday, February 13, 2015


Ideas pop in and out of my head, sometimes it is something some one says, or a memory comes to mind or something I read so I  a write a lot done but do not use them all.  I have always felt the urge to put my thoughts onto paper.  It is good to have something written too  for the days when my brain seems blank.  It feels so blank I feel like I have blown a fuse.

 Yes I am reading a lot of brain books

One is called "Think Like A Freak" so I think that should be easy for me.  One suggestion is to think like you are a child again.  One with imagination and wild ideas.  Freaks like to have fun and children know how to do that.  Sadly most business firms have frown on this.

Why do we have trouble saving money?  Spending it is sure a lot more fun.  I have fun trying to think up a new idea to write about and I have even more fun with your comments.

A growing body of research confirm that even the smartest group of people tend to seek out evidence that confirms what they already think.  Also most people do not take time to think especially when it comes to rethinking what we have already thought.  A child is not embarrassed by what they do not know so neither should we be.

Learning to rethink.
Learning to let go of conventional wisdom.
Letting go of artificial limits that hold us back.
Letting go of negative habits especially when it comes to our thoughts.
Seeing failure as a friend not an enemy.
Think a bit differently, a little bit harder, a bit more freely.
Outside the lines!

Time to read my next brain book. "The  Brain That  Changes Itself".

Only no time yesterday dad to read,  and I drove into town to Lynn Valley to return something he had bought on line.  What a morning traffic accidents everywhere.  We managed to escape by taking different routes.  Bridges sure attract accidents.

Then I went visiting.  Jim had just returned from hospital.  He had fallen out of bed Sunday during the night and hit his head and help took a long time coming.  The only redeeming feature was everyone had missed him and he had to tell them all his story.  He is looking very weak and was glad to have his milkshake.  I visited several ladies and one lady named Joyce and I had a good laugh as they were having a baby shower for one of the girls who work there.  She was delighted to think of a baby shower in a Seniors Home. When I got home I  was too tired to go out for Chinese food, sometimes just a sandwich is good.
Today I am going to Ikea with Carol and dad will do some more electrical stuff.


nancy-Lou said...

Sometimes I feel as though my brain is overloaded too and have to calm it down by focusing on what is most important.

It is amazing how many books you have read on the brain, Beth.

Sorry to hear that poor Jim had a fall out of would think they would put rails up if he is frail would 't you?
It is a good thing though that he didn't break something like his hip. Poor guy. Sometimes getting old people lose their dignity don't they. SAd.

I was asked if I would teach a class of children at our school how to use a painting program on their ipads. Can you believe the kids all have ipads at school now? Anyway, it is a program that I have a lot of fun on and I think the kids will too. I would love to do it! There would be "no pay" but my reward would be all the fun with the kids!
I posted some of the ipad paintings on my facebook page. You use your finger to paint!

We are leaving soon for the city, to do errands like haircuts and banking. the roads are good for a change..mostly because it is so cold.

Have a fun time at Ikea with Carol....I do love that store but it is huge..I buy my frames for my paintings there.

Have a great day, my friend,



Sandra said...

I have been thinking about that lately, how children are always learning and experiencing things for the first time. I need some of that in my life, and not stuff that comes from school books.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you guys later today.

beth bennett said...

Jim should be in a nursing home not just a care home but he cannot afford it.

I do my visiting not just for the benefit of the friends there but because it helps me to feel I can still do something worthwhile.

I will look at facebook I do not do that very often now.

Lov e beth

Steady-as-rain said...

If I fell out of bed and cut my head, I would like a milkshake to help me recover.

I cleaned up the garbage around a bus-stop the other day and that made me think of you.



Anonymous said...

Our oven is fixed and so I'm going to see about baking some comfort food.