Thursday, January 1, 2015


I decided to clean out the frig and was amazed at all the interesting jars of this and that that Kim has put in.  Our frig has never looked so full!
A phone call from Cathy’s oldest daughter was a welcome relief from the quit house.  Kim and dad are working  hard back at the new house.  Hearing the news of her life in Ottawa and how her little son is growing and of course doing amazing things.  She was going to drop by but I did not feel up to it and would not want her or Urri to get any germs.
Sandra and Randy dropped by and I took this unpposed (of yah) of them.  Haiti soon decided to be Randy’s friend and ignored Sandra and I.  Dad and I have enjoyed all the pictures they have posed on face book and also the ones of Tyler and Aislinn.  A good time being held by all!
I will certainly be facing the New Year well rested, ready to face any new challenges that come our way.

May the New Year renew our faith in  life  and strengthen our love for each other  as we continue to share our stories.
                                                        Happy New Year! !


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, it is time for me to clean out the fridge and throw away some bottles and jars that have been there for several years. But not today.



beth bennett said...

Today take it easy.
Do you have a temperature, a cough, a sore throat aches and pains. Go to the emergency: I did.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Hope you feel better soon, Rick..flying always brings along germs doesn't it?

I am glad you said no to visitors Beth..good for you. as much as you would like to see them, thinking of how poorly you feel and needing time to rest is important. I cannot believe the hospital sent you home with nothing...just said they will send your results to your doctor? Obviously you were pretty ill to to there. Sad to say, but sometimes I think they just don't pay enough attention to us seniors.

We are getting ready for our family supper...they should be here soon. A good way to welcome in the New Year.
I know you are doing the same..going to Sandra and Randy's, have a wonderful time.


Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy, Enjoy your family and all the activity outside your window.1

I am much better and have more energy,

Love beth

Sandra said...

Hmm, Randy does not look very romantic in that picture, we will have to ask for a retake