Thursday, January 8, 2015


We are all feeling better and ready to start learning again or at least Kim is.

Still a few Christmas lights shining in the darkness on the house next door to us.  I really like them as they look like bright little stars that have come to earth to give us hope.

We do seem to live in an unpredictable universe.   Many unanswerable questions.   Why do the teams in last place beat the teams in first place?  Why does the weather man or woman (to me man means both men and women, a personality or a human being)) with all their degrees and training and charts often fail to predict the right weather?    Where is our soul?  What is it?

Science dose an excellent job in telling me why I do not have a tail, but it cannot explain why it just fell off or maybe it will grow again.  We know when Haiti is happy she wags her furiously.  May it is better we do not have tails in case I say I was happy to see some one (unlikely) but my tail would give me away if it was not wagging.

Science keeps breaking things down into smaller and smaller particles and because of this the atom bomb was created.  Something I sincerely wish had not happened.  Every story on T.V. seems to have people running around with guns.  Another loud applause for science.

Yes science has done some amazing things and is very important in our world.  Our weird wonderful world far to complex to be understood.

Science has not been able to find the soul.   I believe that when I am talking about God I am speaking about the soul who lives within each one of us.  The soul needs light and love and faith to keep it alive but too often within us there is hate and bitterness and anger and unforgiveness  that dims the light. 

Does everything we think we know have to be proven intellectually?.


Steady-as-rain said...
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Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, with one exception, everything we think we know has to be proven intellectually. People who think a stone statue makes the rain fall - we think weatherman are an advance on that, don't we?

The one exception is art. And maybe the idea of beauty (which is embedded in art) is related somehow to the idea of "the soul"?



beth bennett said...

That sounds good to me.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I was just reading on a science website how they have discovered that everything is made up of energy. Trees, rocks people atoms etc. So the soul must be energy too. I know I can definitely feel as well as hear the energy in a good piece of music. There is so much more to be learned in science isn't there?

I took down the Christmas star and wreath, but left up our blue and white winter lights. They look so cheerful against the white snow.

I hope you were able to go for a walk today, Beth and enjoy the fresh air and smiles from others. It is a teaching day for me...looking forward to seeing my students again. We have to work hard on our music pieces for the Winnipeg Music Festival, to be held in March. now! Then exams in June.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

21 Grams... the soul weighs 21 grams. google it.
Good to hear your all feeling better. Tyler at this stage is returning to Vancouver on the 10th.

beth bennett said...

It will be good to see Tyler again and he is welcome to stay here although he has fun with Craig and Leah.

I will goggle it.

Love mom