Friday, January 2, 2015


Pictures from New Year's P1011322 



More pictures to be added to-morrow.

Sad to be saying good-bye to Aisliin and Tyler.  Not a good day for them to be driving.
Rain and on the verge of snowing.  Pray for a safe trip.

Words kindly spoken will always get the right re-action.


Anonymous said...

some hung over looking young men at the party !!!
Its 40c at 7pm as I write this. The kids are in the pool staying cool. my car died yesterday , the alternator again !!! My mechanic is closed until at least Monday . then I hope he has a second hand one he can throw in. 41c tomorrow the a late cool change , which will be a relief( still need that aircon )

Sandra said...

Good job by Ben taking pictures. I hope you did not get too tired out. Kimberly, Susan and Keith kept cleaning in the kitchen until I turned off the lights and told them to come sit by the fire and chat.


Steady-as-rain said...

Looks like another fun family get together! I'm sorry to have missed it but this cold is really lingering on and all the travelling this month has tapped out whatever meager energy reserves I might have!



nancy-Lou said...

Nice family pictures Beth! Isn't is hard to believe that on the other side of the world it is too hot!
It is cold here....the high for tomorrow is -26 with overnight lows in the -30's. I like the fresh air...will go for a walk, but cannot take the dogs...too cold for them.
-20 is the cutoff for them.

How was your family supper at Sandra and Randy'? Did you have a ham? You are so fortunate that they enjoy cooking and having family over. I wish we had daughters....we do have a lovely granddaughter, Carly and her mom, Diane. We miss Melodie so much...she was like our daughter.

We had a ham, scalloped potatoes and a vegetarian lasagna for Bob and a meat lasagna for everyone else. Jeannie's cake for wouldn't know about Jeannie's but it is a well known bakery in Winnipeg. I will post some pics on my FB page.

We have the cutest little deer mouse who comes and eats on the window tray every night. My cat goes crazy trying to catch him through the window. one wonders how such a small creature can survive in this cold...he has very thin, almost translucent little pink ears. Another of God's creatures.

Glad to hear you are feeling better Beth and regaining your energy.

Are you and Larry watching the Junior World hockey? Good game against the USA.....a great win.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No we had a pot luck supper at Sandra and Randy's they too feeling the fatigue of travelling.

I tired not to get too close to anyone and talked very little but enjoyed just being there. I got Simone and Lincoln mixed up on Skype but when some one puts a picture in front of you and says to say hello it is confusing for me.

Well Tyler and Asileen are on their way now. Hope they have a good trip.
love mom

Anonymous said...

home from work now trying to stay awake . its cooled down to 38C cant get the kids out of the pool. cool change not expected until late tonight. I am up at two am for work.