Friday, January 9, 2015


Caught her red handed with her hand on the door nob escaping for the evening on Tuesday, fighting a sore throat and a cough and tiredness.  She still has a cough and it sounds a little worse but she has energy and a happy smile and reading to do last night for her literature class.

That does not seem to work for me anymore I just have to rest.
Kim was up early on Thursday as she has an early class.  I went for a short walk which I do like the runners do,  that is you go a little faster and then you go a little slower.  I watch them as they pass me by and they are all so friendly and give me a wave and a smile.  I got all enthused and started going even faster and then they speeded up because they sure would not want me to pass them.

Then went visiting.  It was very quiet there as colds and flu is going around and most people where in their rooms.  There were no happy activities which made it a sad place.  Jim was about the same.  Dad drove me and said hello too.  Our friend Joyce was sick too so she was not very happy.  Sometimes they close the doors and say no visitors.

Had a nice chat on the phone with Mary.

I now understand how over the years we have made assumptions.

That the sun revolves around the earth (I glad our earth keeps moving), or that volcanoes were caused by a Angry God, or that canyons were caused by natural causes.  I am thankful that I do not have to live in fear of God who probably knows far too much about me.  I think.

We are even starting to learn how our brains work.

The question that we base our assumptions on is, can everything ultimately be explained without any supernatural causes, magical/mythical, divine causes?  I still like to be open to the supernatural and mystical.  Why not?


Sandra said...

Was Mary working on the family tree? I have been very busy at work and not getting my walks in, though of course I still do them in the morning with the dogs.


beth bennett said...

Yes that is why Mary phoned. We were not too helpful dad has sorta lost interest but he gave her some ideas. We can show her when she arrives.
Not sure about my walk today had a very miserable night coughing. Dad will go in to help Carol and Panteli but I think I will rest.
Your work sure gets busy and driving must be horrible.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Lots of horrible news today. I am glad they got the Paris terrorists. Worse tragedy in Africa.
Anyway hope yours colds and flu have passed .Tyler's flight leave at 11pm so I imagine he will stay with Leah as they are closer to the airport . Jasmine counting down to her birthday party tomorrow .