Saturday, January 24, 2015


Pouring rain washing all our troubles away.  I get my gear on and head out into the fun of raindrops splashing on your checks or I guess if I was poetic I would say kissing your checks.  No that is not me I can never be bothered with an umbrella as I like to feel the rain.

First the sadness has to be washed away.

I would have gone yesterday but there are no port-a-potties  along my route for those with up-set tummies. 

P1171450Yesterday was exciting for Morgan as she will be having her first sleep over at the new house.  Carol and Panteli met Theresa in Langley to pick up Morgan  and then proceeded to our house.
After a bite to eat they are headed for the movies.  Wonderful to have grandchildren I count it as one of life's richest blessings.

Dad and I had a quiet day going to the library and then to Target to pick up a present for Yurri.  He is Ave and Jeff's little boy and is turning 4 (dad says 5).  I bought some cute shirts but if dad thinks they are too small he can exchange them in the morning.  The party is at noon which is in Burnaby a long drive away so it is much nicer for us to have it at noon.

At night Ben is playing a soccer game under the lights in Surrey about 5.  I should have told Sandra when she phoned to ask how Haiti was and about dad's hand. 

Dogs and old people are a big worry. 

Thank goodness I can believe that love heals.  I can concentrate on being more loving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is 5yrs , same as Jasmine.
back on early shifts , uggh. I am
doing my dental implants .The surgen has to do a bone graph first , then wait 6 monts and do the implants . I guess you know all about it . They will take bone from my chin as my wisdom teeth have not dopped yet .