Wednesday, April 10, 2013


                             I love the phrase "Reverence humming in me."  by  -Jane Fonda
When Jane Fonda was asked why becoming a Christian was so transformational!  She replied, " I felt drawn to faith because I could feel reverence humming in me."  Another way of saying God is within me.
Soon the bees will be humming in my garden going about their work of renewing life as they spread pollen from place to place.

It is cool in the morning and in the quiet I hear the refrigerator humming away doing its job.
I wait for the heat to come on and I am reminded again of much I have to be thankful for.
I get up in the dark and with a flick of the switch the light is on.
I think about the scripture "In Him we move and have our being."  Acts 17:18
The work of the Holy Spirit is like this power that is lying dormant until I give it life!
I hum as I go of the door into the dull morning light; "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray." 

I am thankful for morning energy that fuels my walks.
Haiti will be arriving soon.  The rest of the day will hum right along.
And it does.  I have a walk with Haiti and then head to the store to get some food for supper.
Arriving home the tune changes.

Ava is not coming over and dad has a very painful back ache and soon is back in bed fast asleep.  What a worry.  I do not know if he needs to see a doctor.  He gets up and then goes back to bed again for another two hours.  He thinks it is his old spinal injury but I am not so sure.  It is very up setting to see him in so much pain.

I must admitt I am not handling stress well; but then it has never been my strong point.

Thankfully he recovers and is able to enjoy the girls hockey.  Canada is playing U.S.A. for the gold medal.  The score was 3 to 2 for the U.S and sadly we lost.

It was a long day.  It was even longer for Kim flying home stopping at Huston and then here.  A long day for Carol too having to pick her up at 12.

BUT Today will be exciting with Carol bringing Kim over about noon.  I can hardly wait!

Pouring rain this morning.  A sea of umbremla's bob along ahead of me.  I am later this morning so the school children are ahead of me. 


Anonymous said...

Well, in my view, what is "humming" is not god inside us, but the attempt of our consciousness to comprehend the god shape. But it is easy for this sincere and unavoidable thing to be diverted into our old enemy (and Jesus' enemy) religious doctrine. As I've often said, religion is for people can't handle God. Most people when they start to tingle in this way want the safety of religious dogma and ritual. Praying in Arabic 5 times a day and all that sort of nonsense. The imagined piety of adhering to ritual replaces the real work of contemplating the god shape.

Glad dad's back got better as the day went along.

Too bad about the women's hockey match. I felt sure Canada would win.



beth bennett said...

Yes, there is some truth in what you are saying but . . .

Lovw mom

Sandra said...

Hm, sounds like there is some debate happening here. To me it depends on what you consider god to be? I dont think he is a person type being but more he is everything, including me. So, humming is good, I love humming, especially in the garden. Then me and the trees and the flowers and the bugs and worms and sun and wind and birds, we all hum together! Sandra
Oh, and I think a good old fashioned complete physical is due for dad.

beth bennett said...

Yes I couldn't agree more about all you said.
love mom