Saturday, April 6, 2013


Yes we are in for a rainy week-end but it does freshen the air.
Windy wind kept me awake all night and blew our papers all over the street.
Dad off to his all day course for Hospice this morning.  I;m at home doing house work as our meeting is here to-morrow night.
       “Humanity’s problems should be solved by people not by some invisible being.”
            Interesting comment by Stefano in "The Gospel According To Everyone".

I feel I need to be more practical.  Maybe we could learn to embrace our humanity before wanting more.  As believers and as atheists we are all so very human.  We make mistakes, take the wrong road, fall down and have to pick ourselves up and keep going.  We cry and we laugh on this journey of life.  We can learn hopefully from our failures if we consider it an opportunity to grow, expand, evolve and learn.
I went on two short walks today instead of one long and one short.  Came home and dad was talking to his best childhood friend Larry Olson who is now in Mexico.  He has free long distance calling so they had a long talk.  They are staying in a penthouse and even invited us down.  lol
Dad and I are thinking of going to Kamloops for Leah's graduation on April 17 at 7 o'clock.  Dad and I are very proud of her, this has not been an easy road for her. ( I hope we get better pictures than at Rick's.)

People who are facing tragedy hopefully learn to appreciate the simple things of life with grace and gratitude.

The Franciscan priest Richard Rohr points out that in the Native American tradition of leaving a blemish in one corner of the rug they are weaving.  Why?  They believe that's where the spirit enters.

Our humanity can save us if we are concerned about others more than ourselves and work and hope and pray for a better world.


Shandel said...

How exciting for Leah! and congrats to her. :D

Anonymous said...

Mexico could be nice.

