Thursday, April 11, 2013


Kim has arrived today and brought her energy and cooking skills to make us well looked after.
She is a good cook and can use up all the left-overs which is really a great skill.  We have had a wonderful day although dad does not look too happy in this picture.

Kim and I took Haiti for a energetic walk down to the creek.  Dad was at home trying to fix our toilet and it appears to be a harder job than he bargained for. 

The power was off when we got back home so I could not do anything on the computer.  It came on in time for supper and it was fun to have Carol stop by again.  I think the plan is for Kim to take my car and drive to Chilliwack  to-day Thursday and she may drive back Sunday or Monday.  We will decide when she is up this morning.

Haiti runs around in circles when Carol comes, full of energy and happy to see her.  She did the same when she first saw Kim after she recognized her. 

I am sure she would like to have more energetic company.  She cooks and talks and laughs on the phone all at the same time.  Amazing.  So good to have her here.  Dad is in bed now at 8 o'clock watching the hockey game.

Energy is so important for us to enjoy life! 


Anonymous said...

Too bad about the power being off, even for a little while. We do get dependent on the electronic world, that's for sure.

The delay (well, I think it is a delay ... CRA thinks there is no problem yet) with my tax refund is irritating. Oh well.



Sandra said...

Sorry I did not have time to stop by and say hi. Really liked the realtor who came over. It is going to be hard to decide whether to stay or go.

beth bennett said...

Finding the right house and the right place to move is such an important decision.

Changes always are.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How nice for you and Larry to have your granddaughter staying with you and helping out with cooking etc. Family are so important...and a close loving family, as your is, is a blessing! This past week has been difficult as we realized that our little dog, Dinty, is quickly losing his sight. He has an appointment with our vet will know more. Poor fellow...he walks in to chair legs and anything that is moved...such as a clothes basket i the hall. He is the sweetest little fellow and if he is blind...he will always live with us....we will all adapt! How are your flowers...lots of spring colour? Love to you and Larry, Nancy