Monday, April 15, 2013


Surprise surprise no blog on Sunday.  I just kept adding up-dates as we went in and out of the house.

The picture of the trees was taken on the way to Peace Arch Hospital.  The internist is pretty sure it was the medication (Cymbalta) for his feet that  caused the liver problems.  No pills, no Advil. No Acetaminophen, no Liquor only aspirin if he is in pain for the next while for sure.  He has another blood test next week and then goes to see the specialist.  He is already having less pain which is such a relief.

Dad and I are feeling pretty confused about it all and it will be good to get back to normal and go for my walk in the morning.

It was disappointing that we did not get together as a family as planned.

Seeing all the people in the hospital in pain makes one aware that pain has to be calibrated like all our emotions of love, anger, shame etc.  This means cutting out the background of pain that is all around us and responding to those painful things we can do something about.  The pain of the world can be a burden too heavy to carry.

We were very fortunate to have all the new tools for diagnosing medical conditions.

It is now known that the quantum theory that has broken matter down to a subatomic world, is responsible for everything from x-rays and MRI machines and superconducting magnets, to lasers and fiber optics and the transistors that are the back bone of electronics to computers that make up our modern world.

"Jeffery Kluger writes in the time magazine that they are grappling with something bigger than mere physics, something that defies the mathematical and brushes up- at least fleetingly - against the spiritual."

Somehow we are apart of this living energy that has created and is still creating our world.

So this experience has made me more aware of  the fact there is more than we are aware of in our world and even within our own bodies.

We did not get to see Rick on Sunday but he is going to drop by on his way back to Kamloops.  All the snow on the roads home can be a problem but he has a choice of taking a slower road at an lower altitude.

Dad too is on a slow road to recovery but he is recovering.


Sandra said...

All that quantum stuff is very confusing. It just brings me back to the humming. Anyways, it will be a good day today for you and dad to rest, no running around or waiting for hours.

Anonymous said...

finally got back to checking the computer . You and Larry have certainly been having a most difficult and worrying time, . l am making good progress and am most grateful for the practical help and prayers of family, friends and neighbours. WE are lucky to be so cared for. Tomorrow the staples come out , another step along the way to recovery. much love, and empathy for your situation. Jane.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that they are tracking down the problem with Larry and that he might not need surgery. Things are stable with my dad here, but he is still in acute care and not out of the woods yet, so I still haven't booked flight home yet. Hope to see you all soon.