Tuesday, April 23, 2013


What a difference a day makes!
Sat. and Sunday dad was feeling very tired and had some pain which is a big worry for us both.
I try to get him to drink lots of water so maybe that helped.  Monday morning he was a little tired but perked up during the day.  The sun was shining and that always feels good.  He did some cutting of the lawn after I had done the first cut.
Later we took Haiti for a walk in the water shed park and she sure had a great time running around.
What a difference going in the forest when the sun is shining and with our own dog.

I am trying to get dad to drink water with a little lemon added.  Dad was not content with just a small piece of lemon in his drink he decided to put the whole lemon in the blender and then drink it all,  you guessed  it he did not put the lid on and what a mess.  He thought it was funny so that was good.
He got the blood tests back on his computer and some of the results are still high.  Thankfully we see the doctor on Wed.  Now if Shawna or  Leah or Michael John  were here they could explain it to us.  But not knowing what the first test results were it would be hard to say if it is improving.
 Prayers can make a difference I like to believe!
The good news is that dad is feeling the difference and seeing improvements.  Life is a challenge that at times seems like we have poured out all of what we have but we keep going hoping that someday we feel find meaning.  There will always be questions and one thing I am remind of is that never compare your life to anyone else's.

Today I see the doctor about my shoulder which is painful especially at night but I do not expect anything.


Anonymous said...

Using a blender without the top on must be a particular Bennett propensity as I've done it a few times myself.

Hope the doctor can help with the shoulder pain.

Does the dog behave on the walks?



Anonymous said...

yes, you must be a chip off the old block!

I broke my collar bone but it is healing of course.

\I got a mild tranquilizer to help me sleep as that is when the pain is worse.

Hope your cold is improving.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

OH boy...I am still laughing about the blender incident...and I have done that too..I do hope Larry feels better soon and gets back his "Pep". And you Beth...I didn't know you broke your shoulder...was it the collar bone?That is very painful...I keep you both in my daily prayers and hope you heal and are feeling your old selves soon. Your pictures are so lovely Beth....I so enjoy seeing them. The one of Larry in the park is especially nice..with the path and all the greens. I had two trips to the dentist with a toothache in the last 5 days...on antibiotics now for an abcess...ouch!
I had to change dentists and was referred to an excellent one...she is a Sikh and wears a Turban...what a lovely lady and skilled and gentle. $700 in 5 days and another $155 a week before. YIKES! Take care and rest lots! Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy-Lou Sounds like you are having a difficult time too. Having a good dentist is so helpful.

Yes, it was my collar bone but I am over the worst and the pain is mainly at night.

Thank you for your prayers!

What a blessing!

love Beth