Sunday, April 7, 2013


P4050433Thumbs up for Roger Ebert famous film critic with great sense of humor and honesty who passed away and is now out of pain.

Thumbs up for all the lovely cheery blossoms.
Thumbs up for the early morning birds; only one stayed to have his picture taken!

Thumbs up for the bright and colorful spring flowers.

Thumbs up for the Canucks owner Aquilini who grew up just a few blocks from the Pacific Colosseum and is now part of a network dedicated to helping at-risk youth in his old neighborhood.

Thumbs down to the people who are influencing young people to become terrorists.  Lorne Dawson, a sociology professor and expert on radicalization suggests the path likely involves an influential figure who would give them a sense of purpose and appeal to the teenage longing for rebellion.

Thumbs up for a slightly irreverent, unpredictable church community

Thumbs down for formal strict churches who judge others and demand conformity.

Thumbs up for former Microsoft executive finding joy by boasting literacy among children instead of profits.  He is building libraries through a charity called Room to Read.

Today the sun did shine which was good.  Too bad Panteli got news his dad is not doing so well.


Anonymous said...

Cherry blossoms already!

Time does slip by!



Shandel said...

Two thumbs up for this blog! i loved it especially today :D

I am sad to hear Roger Ebert passed away, but glad that the pain would be at ease. :( i loved watching them on tv.

And sorry to hear about Pantelis dad. :(

beautiful spring weather you are having. We received more snow today and more to come tomorrow. lol so much for April showers bring May flowers LOL