Friday, April 12, 2013


A beatiful sunny day, with a bit of a wind, but a day meant for enjoyment but. . . . . .
Just another trip to the emergency for dad and I.  First he went to the doctor who sent him to the Delta Emergency which both dad and he thought was less busy.  Dad had started feeling worse again Thrusday morning and by noon was in a lot of stomach and back pain.  I was releaved because I had got annoyed with him on Tuesday and said he should go.

The wait was unbelieveable and was going to take another maybe three hours.  Dad just wanted to go home and lie down.  He did and had a sleep and I gave him a little chicken soup and some milk and a hot pad for his back.

I was so thankful Kim had kindly made us supper so it was all ready for me to eat. We had shopped together and then took Haiti down to the meadow at the Water-Shed Park.  Boy she had fun and a great run all around!  I could get use to this being spoilt and having supper made!

 I was feeling very tired too.  I drove dad in the bigger car and I was nervous and so was he.

Friday morning dad still sleeping.   I will update later after next trip to Emergency. 

Dad  phoned the doctor and he was going to phone the White Rock Hospital and it made things go much better.  A little scary as they were concerned about his heart at first but after he had an E.K.G. and was hook up to a heart monitor he was told his vital signs looked good and he was to come back Sat. for an Ultra sound to check stomack etc.

Carol came and we went out to lunch together so it was a better day for both of us.  I feel better knowing that he is getting tests.  Thank goodness Sandra came over as dad's pain had lessoned and he was talking of waiting to see how he was on Monday.  We both told him no way.

What a great family.  Lots of volunteers to drive us but I think we are okay and if Dad is not in pain he will want to drive.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - not good. Lucky Kim was around to help with dinner.

Maybe phone the doctor? Maybe he/she will find a way to slip dad in if they hear how long he had to wait and emergency?



Anonymous said...

I feel bad for not doing more, I just have to get through one more week and then I can be back to regular life. Hope you both are able to rest a bit easier tonight. I know I will. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Oh my goodness...this getting old is not easy is it? Sorry to hear that Larry is not well and you had such a long wait. Good for you, driving him Beth and good for Kim, cooking for you. You are so fortunate to have your family there to help out. We had a long long day at the hospital too...just for Carl to see about his lungs...the our two dogs had to go to the vets..sure tired when we got home. I hope Larry gets his tests soon and feels better. You take care too Beth and don't worry! Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like gaul stones or kidney stones. We had to wait from 11pm at night until 2am on Christmas eve with Matthew, not fun.