Monday, April 22, 2013


Carol and Panteli are in the process of making decisions about where and when to move.  This apartment is just a stopping off place.  Sandra and Randy are also trying to decide where and when to seel and move.  Also Leah after she completes and writes her final exam will be looking for work and her and Craig will probably move.
Our experiences, our expectations, our choices can reshape our lives.
In 1972 Abraham Joshua Heschel was asked in an interview if he had anything to say to young people.  This was his answer:
"Above all, remember that the meaning of life is to live as if it were a work of art.  You're not a machine.  When you're young, start working on this great work of art called your own existence."
This blog is even shorter.


Sandra said...

Oh, you and dad went and dropped in on Carol? It looks very tiny, but not full of boxes like I thought it would be. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I went downtown yesterday to replace the glass on my Ipad. I ended up in Melbourne Central shopping center , which is underground , when I finnaly came out it took me 20 mins to work my way back to the repaire center. Melbourne is really a big beautiful city, cept it was pouring with rain. Matthew home from school with a head cold.

Anonymous said...

God is something like a work of art.



Anonymous said...

It is so easy for me to get lost in those big shopping centers.

Rick and Mathew must be feeling the same cold miseries.

love mom