Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Disruption has the potential to help us see what is important in life.

I was thinking about Melina and Ken and Jasmine all day yesterday.  When Jasmine couldn't breath because of a bad cough and her lips turned blue they feared the worst.  They rushed to the hospital in a panic I imagine, where first thing she was tested.  

The answer was that it was not but could have been a reaction to antibiotics.  She came home after spending several nights there.  That is so stressful for a child and for their parents.

I can still remember the fear of a young child having my tonsils removed.  You feel so alone.

Later in life you learn that you have to have the courage within you to deal with  anxiety and fear.

Ken is waiting to hear if he will go back to work.

All our lives have been disrupted by this virus.  None of us know what the future will bring.

Dad's painful toe has disrupted his sleep and it is time to decide what to do next.  Ken knows what this is like having had surgery on his big toe.  

There are the nice disruptions like our neighbour T.J. coming to join us on our front porch for a visit.  Both he and his wife are working from home.

Randy earlier in the day dropping off some groceries and telling is stories about cats and kittens.
A welcome disruption.

Life will never be the same.

The tragedy that happen in Nova SCotia is painful to listen and hear about.  Our hearts and our prayers are with them.  

How could this happen in a quiet little area?

Prayers will be expressed in many hearts at this time.  

God is bigger than any religion or any dogma.

The prayer that we can all say is "Thank you."

The love and support of our family helps us get through difficult days.


Anonymous said...

So, has the painfull toe lead to a phone call to the doctor yet?

Momma cat is slowly getting use to us. Still miss the boys but have heard that they have pretty much picked up where they left off with us, so that is great news.

Looking forward to the rain coming.


beth bennett said...

No dad does not think he needs to go see a doctor.

I suggested going to the Emergency as they are not busy now.

It is his decision.

Love mom