Sunday, May 31, 2015


I am fearful that I am getting too serious.

This is our cherry tree which is loaded with cherries,  believe it or not.

I woke up early hearing the crows making a terrible noise out side our bedroom window.  It was only 5 clock and I was not happy.  I look out and it is a raccoon way up at the top eating the cherries.  The crows would swoop down and fly right near and it would just continue eating.  The noise continued for over an hour. I was not amused.

Downstairs I go to make toast and coffee and when it is ready the paper girl arrives.  No front page scandals  for me I open first to the funnies to have a few chuckles and reach for my second piece of toast but it is not there.  I cannot believe I ate it all.

All the time Haiti has been staring at me and I have to tell her to go sit down as no begging is allowed by order of Kim!

I take Haiti to the park but my new shoes make me walk like a drunken sailor.  I know my feet just have to get use to them.

I write out birthday cards, mail a parcel at the post office, pick up a few groceries and pull out some nasty weeds that are threatening to take over my lawn.

Dad and I had talked about going to visit Sandra and Randy, who are always happy to see us, but neither one of us has any energy.  I am sure our children do not want to see us get old but as I said to dad "it's a little too late for that"  ha ha

I have heard that humor is good to side track emotional pain and it does help.
 I hope you can see the cherries on the cherry tree.

Early mornings at the park are refreshing!  Today it is time for church if dad feels up to it.


Sandra said...

Yes, if I look very closely I can see the cherries. I have been eating strawberries out of my garden already too, and I only have to fight off bugs to get at them.

I watched a movie about a retirement home for old musicians last night, the theme was growing old is not for sissys.

And we had a Skype with Simone where she showed us her latest dance moves which now include pointing her fingers and jumping up and down.

Buying a couple of beds today is on my list of things to do.


nancy-Lou said...

Don't those crows make a racquet? Once in a while I hear them making a lot of noise and they are "mobbing" an owl....harassing it. I walk in to the bush and break up the party so the poor owl can escape. Not a very happy awakening for you Beth, so early in the morning. Our neighbour has chickens and of course the proverbially rooster....who starts to crow at 4am. Man, can that rooster crow! We all are used to it and don't even notice it but the new neighbour does and complains to the owner. I rather like the rooster crowing....

Haha so the cookie monster stole you toast, did he? It has happened to me too...I could swear I still had some left. Humour is are so funny!

Yes, I can see cherries on the tree too! Amazing to think you already have cherries when we just have blooms....our seasons are so intense...especially summer when things grow like wildfire.

Today will be a gardening day and I will go to the greenhouse to buy some tomato plants and get some seeds. Cucumbers and Zucchini seeds. Lettuce grows bitter in our soil so I don't grow it.It was a cold start to the day at 1C but will warm up now...all week.

I wish you and Larry a blessed Sunday,


Anonymous said...

Oliver's mailing address is: 1440 Victoria Road, PO Box 365 Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0

Steady-as-rain said...

Cherries and strawberries in May? Wow! The end times must be near!



larry bennett said...

That is a good joke Rick I wish I had thought of it.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Good news your sleeping in now 🐼
Start of winter today. Very cold . I have two days off. My cold is almost gone. I just have to take it easy as I can still
get the coughing fits.