Thursday, May 14, 2015


P5120455Recovery is very slow and it is easy to feel discouraged.

Dad seems to need a lot of extra rest but we know this is part of the recovery process.  Right now he feels like he has no energy at all. 

I do have a walk and finish the rest of the cutting of the grass which are two small areas in the back and front of the house. New flowers are continuing to add color and delight passers by. 

The house needs a real good cleaning and getting a call from Pat and John that they were dropping by helped me do some vacuuming so the front room looked respectable, more or less. 
they have been a part of our spiritual journey for many, many years.  Our families have seen many changes and faced many a tragedy.  Our paths have crossed for a reason and their friendship special to our growth.

Now we are facing the aging process with all the added stress and worry, but it is important to keep a sense of humor.  Every time I go upstairs I wonder what am I here for?  Usually  if I stop and think a moment I can remember.

 Joke has been omitted.

As I write Kim is busy packing and cleaning up.  She has had a lot to do to prepare for this next adventure.  Yes, we will all miss her happy spirit and wish her well.

Carol will be picking her up about 8:30 to take her to the airport. Thankfully she has recovered quickly from her trip back from the Cayman Island.  Oh to be young!  !

That was last night.

Thankful to be on the road to recovery with God's help and the prayers of others.


Steady-as-rain said...

I think you used that joke two weeks ago. But it is a good one. And we are kind of Methodists ...



beth bennett said...

I thought maybe I had so I better take it off. I do need an editor
Thanks Rick. Yes we are sorta Methodists. love mom