Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Every day we have choices.  To walk to the park or to the pond or to the water shed park?

It is good to have choices.  Sometimes our energy level tells us what we can do.  Dad and I both were aching and coughing again.  I felt chilled as well as lethargic.  It was good that Haiti wanted a walk because the fresh air did me good.  Dad also drove over to the pond and we sat and chatted to people, mostly dog people, walking by.  They can also tell you all about the ducks. 

One duck made a nest in a hanging basket and sad to say the raccoons came and got the eggs all except one.

Sometimes we suffer because of bad choices, ours or some one else's.

We definitely suffer when we have no choice when disaster or illness strike.  The only choice we have is how we will re-act.  Will we become  stoical  or turn to  philosophy  or Eastern religion which has a lot to say about suffering.  I am referring to Buddhists or the faith of Hindu's as well as others.

I believe that woven into the stories of the Bible is a message of promise and hope.  Jesus was the fulfillment of God's promise and his words and his live give us hope.  Our hope is in the knowledge that God is with us and will walk through our suffering along side of us.

Pain is a powerful destroyer of faith unless we can reach out to others for help.  They will pray for us when we cannot pray for ourselves.

I managed to cut the lawn and visit Mary across the street.  She is a very positive person and a joy to visit even when I am not on top of the world!  Life has it's ups and downs for us all.  It is important not to hide your true feelings.

Dad is going to have his cholesterol levels checked at the blood clinic today.  Yesterday he had planned to get another foot massage and he may do that too.   So it will depend on how he feels today.


Sandra said...

Randy went to the walk in clinic yesterday but then got sent to ER. Turns out he has an infection of the lining of his lungs or something like that. He was in a lot of pain all weekend but hopefully will feel better soon.

I am hoping for a nice weekend as I plan on working on my front garden. Though, rain or shine it really won't matter.

Hope you guys are getting better.


beth bennett said...

I hope Randy also sees Dr. Nolte. That sounds very bad, very painful. I think this bug is very strong and determined. I will add Randy to my prayer list.

I think you get better and then it tries to come back so right now the coughing at night has hit again but we are carrying on.

I need to go and buy some new shoes so hopefully will tackle that today. I have holes in the souls! This is okay when it does not rain.

Hope Randy responds to medication and gets better quickly.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

CHOICES.....if I had my choice this morning I would have stayed home rather than go to Winnipeg....but I didn't. My arthritis is sore from gardening and heavy lifting and shovelling earth yesterday.

Your choice of going to the pond sounds like a good one, where you can meet people and visit with the ducks too!

I hope you find a new pair of shoes, Beth. My feet are very choosey when it comes to shoes. Comfort all the way!

I use ground flax seed on my cereal and in baking, like muffins and it really has helped lower my cholesterol levels.

Sorry to hear Randy has what sounds to be pleurisy. That is extremely painful. Carl had it and ended up hospitalized with it. It was caused from a drug that he was taking for his rheumatoid arthritis. You can get it from having the flu too. Get better soon Randy!

Aren't the pictures of Lincoln and Sandra adorable? He is so cute isn't he? Simone is really growing up and looked so cute with her dirty bum after gardening with Grandma! hahha You sure are blessed with a lovely family...each one of them!


Anonymous said...

you never really appreciate your good health until you get a cold . I have the dreaded lurgy , sore throat ,runny nose and sore eyes .And now that I am sick its back to work at 5am tomorrow. The little ones have been sick for a week now .Melina sick as well , Migraine . Two game sevens coming up , at least the hockey id good.