Tuesday, May 5, 2015


P5040458Taking care of Haiti has been no problem as we do a short walk to the park and back.  Now Panteli has come to pick her up and she was so happy and excited to see him.  We will both miss her as she is good company.

Both dad and I have worried as we took care of each other.  I am certainly more concerned about him.  He has a worse cough and he has already broken ribs so that would really be bad.

Mutual care giving is more than a task, it is helping some one to get healthy again and is one of the purest expressions of love.  We have had time to watch old T.V. movies, cheering on the hockey teams and listen to some stories of times dad remembers.  It is strange that sometimes we remember things differently.i  read and he does the computer.  I will continue with a short walk as it is good for my spirits and I do not want to get too weak.

Yesterday morning dad seemed worse but then he had a big sleep in the afternoon and there was no coughing.  I am hoping that this signals a turn for the better.  It certainly is tiring all this coughing.
An nother bad night for dad .

Today dad has an appointment at the cancer clinic which we cancelled last week when he was so sick.  Maybe this doctor will listen to his chest but they can be very fussy about what they can do and cannot do.  Dad will decide whether to have another hormone shot and I know his decision is no, no way!

Thunder and heavy rain this morning.

Life does change as we age and all we can do is to try to keep our bodies and minds as healthy as we can!

"Life is what we make it
it always  has been, always will be."
Grandma  Moses


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, a think a good, long sleep without any coughing is a good sign! Hope you are both feeling better soon.

I am actually off to the dermatologist today. Took a long time to get an appointment.

I don't think there is an "e" in caring.



beth bennett said...

It is good you got an appointment all appointments seem hard to get.

As a child I was a good speller but I grew up and forgot how.

We are both fairly miserable but caring on.

Good to hear news from you.

love mom

Sandra said...

I am studying now in the morning so may forget to check your blog later on, as the morning is my usual routine.

I dont know about at your house, but was pouring buckets when I left for work today.

Has Haiti gone for the day with Panteli or?

Hope you both are getting enough to eat.


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness that must be one nasty bug! I feel so badly for you both..to be so sick. be sure to eat well and drink lots of fluids.
It is good that you have each other to care for...

Did Larry break ribs from coughing or was that an old injury? Boy that is bad time to break ribs when you need to cough and it is soooo sore. I still have a hard time lying on that side to sleep. Take care Larry.

i just looked at the bird feeding tray and my favourite little birds are back. They are chipping sparrows and so cute with their little rusty caps on their heads. That was a long flight from the southern states.I have fresh water and lots of the seeds that they like to eat.

Well I am putting off washing the kitchen and bathroom floors so must get at it then go for a walk with the dogs....

take care my friends...sending healing thoughts and love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Sandra we are very proud of you doing all that studying. Dad loves his stew and Vera brought over some soup and Cathy went to the store for me to get some bread and eggs.

Larry broke his ribs playing hockey.

Haiti is going to be staying with Carol and Panti for a few days. He is marking exams at home and it will be good for them both to go for a walk together.

I always know where dad is now in this house because I can hear him coughing.

Hopefully he can sleep better to-night which means we both will sleep better.

Love and thanks for being caring!

Shawna said...

We are thinking about you and Grandpa everyday and praying that you start feeling better!!! We love you so much!

I am starting to get in the habit of reading your blog again on a daily basis. I will try and post a comment so you know i read it! haha

beth bennett said...

Comments that tell me how you and Lincoln and Stephen are doing is a great blessing.

Thank you for your loving words they really touched my heart when I read them. I know how busy life can be for young mothers with toddlers who need constant care and supervision.

Love you too.

love grama