Monday, May 11, 2015



I will be enjoying these flowers for many days to come.  A nice surprise when they come delivered by a nic young man or Carol and Morgan. Thank you for the lovely gift of flowers!

Morgan must feel very special with her cool grand ma!

It brightens my day.  I enjoy my peanut butter sandwich and my green tea and Cup cakes by Morgan.  Yes, I feel a little sad but at least I have dad and Haiti to keep me company. 
P5100453I am reading the National Post where they have done a new study that your mom is your mom but your dad may not be who you think he is. "Science did not go playing around to find out who had been playing around, but came upon information as they studied genetics and particularly  D.NA."  Children did not always have the right dad!   I always believe you a.cannot trust every thing you read in the newspaper so found the results unbelievable.

  I manage to pick out a good man from the start and stayed with him.  He needed a little improving and I did a good job at that too!

My mother's day wish is to continue to learn more about what everyone is doing.  You are all so busy.  Had a good talk with Rick still busy helping Randy.  I am sure your card will be here today!

I hope Theresa does not tell I wished her Happy New Year!

As soon as I say something stupid at least I know it~!  As long as we can laugh together it will be okay.


nancy-Lou said...

Aren't those the prettiest flowers? Both bouquets. You are much loved, Beth!
I was admiring the picture of Morgan and Carol and thinking, " I bet Morgan is Grandma's girl" just like my granddaughter is! She is 21 though and we don't see her as often.

So I gather Haiti is must have missed her a lot. Especially on the walks. I coulnd't imagine being without my dogs...they are so special.

I read the same post regarding children's true fathers and was quite shocked at their findings..well it is like all studies they are tailored to what they want people to believe.

I have done some silly things leaving the vets office without paying today.BUT I realized it when I got to the car....and went back in a little embarrassed. I had a lot of things on my mind including my poor little jack russell dog being very sick. We have to go back again on Thursday....that is 4th visit in 2 weeks. Lots of pills for her too. She is having troubles breathing and has fluid in her lungs,

Have a nice evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Haiti is back and I had two walks with her today.

She came bouncing in expecting Kim to be here.

We expect Kim to-morrow I think.

What a worry when a dog is sick, it can break your heart but hopefully those pills help.

love beth