Monday, March 7, 2016


It has been raining off and on all day.  Every time I put my coat on it would start again.

Then my computer was taken over by windows and nothing is working.  It says my browser is not connected?

Dad and I did go down to the new Walmart Store and it seems quite nice and bright.  It will be handy for picking up small items.  An older lady let me go ahead of her in a long line.  I did not object as all I was buying was some rice crackers.

Dad is hunting for something a little sweet but I have removed a lot of the temptation.

I read some of my book about The Gifts of the Dark Wood and it is talking about being lost.  I sure am lost in this computer world.  The author says my life is about more than this as there is the realm of the Spirit which intersects our world.  Even those who are lost can still help others which is dad helping me to get out of my mess.

Scripture talks about the voice of God speaking through our intuition; the spirit pokes and prods us in inaudible ways through gut hunches, intuitions and shifts of awareness.

This too is off and on for me!


Sandra said...

What new Walmart did you go to? I tried waiting till mid afternoon to do my walk at work hoping the rain would slow down, but we still needed umbrellas. The woman who took over for Sukhi in accounts receivable has started walking with me. It is nice to have someone to talk to..

Oh, and Randy and I are going to Boston in June! His work is shutting down for 3 weeks so we are going to go see his dad, stop in for Simone's birthday and then drive down to Boston.


nancy-Lou said...

It sounds like you have "little gremlins" in your computer.....they can be very annoying can't they, Beth? I am fortunate because our son, Bob is a techie guy and fixes up my laptop. He isn't a fan of Apple though and I have to figure that our myself...but Apple is much easier than Android.

oh boy, those sweet cravings can be difficult. Why not buy him some sugar free candies..Russell Stovers are available at the dollar store and they are much cheaper than at Safeway. Very good too.

Carl is off to emergency at our local hospital...( well it is the closest one...30 minutes away ) to have his catheter removed. I hope he doesn't have to wait too long. He is impatient and may come with home with nothing done.

The melting is over for now...we are back to freezing temperatures and a little snow and freezing rain. But warmth is soon to come back.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Only got to 40.6 yesterday at work. Then cooled to 32c overnight. As I get ready to go back to work after a sleepless night,the strom clouds are a building !!! Great !!!

beth bennett said...

The Walmart is in the old Zellers Store.

Sounds like a great trip Sandra.

Ken that is unbelievably hot and no wonder you couldn't sleep.

Hope it cools down soon.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

That will be a tough job trying to keep Dad away from the sweets!

