Sunday, March 20, 2016


It is a wet and chilly morning for my walk with Haiti.  All was fine until she picked up a piece of bone and it got stuck in her teeth and there was no way I could dislodge it. 

Fear does crazy thing like draining all your energy and making you feel weak.  After three tries trying to pry her mouth open and get the thing out I headed for home.  I was sure dad would be able to do it.

Fortunately she spite it out her self but then would have gladly picked it up again.

I was slow getting ready for church but dad drove quickly to Pat and and John's church.  He was leading a procession in, with the children singing Hosanna!  Hosanna!.  Sad to say we missed it.  It was an uplifting service except that I felt like a misfit coming in late and not being with people I know who love and accept me.

There is definitely spiritual strength being with others you know.
I am missing the wild energy of the spirit that has at one time burned bright within me.  It would seem to be just a part of the tiredness I am fighting. 

We leave the service after a few words with Pat and John.  It as great to have some nice hot stew at Sandra and Randy's home.  Dad was not tempted by any of her famous deserts which was a blessing
We skype with Mary and Simone and Shawna and Stephen.

.Dad's cold got worse by the time we got home.  He was coughing a lot so he laid down for a nap.

I come home to read a book on prayer and then take Haiti for another walk.

Every great faith has it's ancient mythologies and words of inspiration that encourage when all you feel like is a misfit!  I read of others who have had to find and renew their faith through prayer.

A true misfit is one who believes they can journey through life alone without the support of family and friends.

"Friends who you can reveal your triumphs and your failures to as well as  your joys and your fears"
come to your aid when you need help."
-The gifts of the Dark Woods


Sandra said...

Well, just like children and their toys trying to fit a round ball into the square hole, if you dont fit somewhere, try somewhere else. I am glad that you got a chance to talk to everyone on Skype. Sorry I was busy going through the clothes with Mary when you left. I needed to know which ones to bring or not that Sukhi had given me.


nancy-Lou said...

ahhh the magic of Skype.....when we were young, Beth, it would have been beyond our wildest imagination to think one day we could talk to our daughter on a screen, in real time, and show her the clothes i was bringing for my Grandchild! When you think about it, our age group has come through a magical 70 odd years..with many technological changes.

Sandra, I wish you a wonderful visit with your family.

Beth, don't worry what others think of are a wonderful person....very wise and caring and if you forget some things or are late for things...who cares! My motto is one I learned from Popeye..." I yam what I yam!

That must have been a very scary time for you, when Haiti got the bone stuck in her mouth. I can relate to the weak in the knees glad she got it out and things were OK.My dog Charlie, got a bone stuck in his teeth once and his mouth was stuck wide was very difficult to remove it..but I finally did. He was my Parson Jack Russell dog. What a character he was! He lived to be almost 15,

Well Monday is here again and it is time to do some housework....

I wish you both a great Monday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Good advice as usual

love Beth