Saturday, March 5, 2016


So many things are actually hard to believe like the success of Donald Trump.  The media sure love all the attention and interest he is creating. At least it is getting people out to vote.

An extraordinary beautiful day.  I decide I will not be going for a walk first thing and use my morning energy to go shopping.  My list is in progress so that is a good start.  I do walk over and back while dad brought the groceries home in the car.

I spent time walking around the neighborhood to let them know we had been robed from our garage and from the car.  They appreciated it. 

My dad  believed it was good to put on weight in the winter because you need it to keep you warm; but there again he was a man!
The Scripture encourages us to Pray continually without ceasing.

"The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God.-  Philippians 4:5

That seems unbelievable to most of us.
Yet monks who live in a monastery pray while they are singing, walking, working, alone or with others.  All day and all night.  Dad and I spent time in the Monastery in Rosemary Heights and in Mission and experienced deep peace surrounded by beauty and faith.

I love when on a dark night you fly over a city and see the glowing lights below you guiding your plane home.
I like to believe that  if all those lights went off we would see a glow of light coming from the monastery!

"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle"  or aa single prayer
- St. Francis of Assi

Prayer to me is vital to our spirituality whether it is religious or intuitive part of our inner being.
I know I have had moments when it felt like it is a  sacred moment and I think it happens to us all!

"Prayer is exhaling the spirit  of man and inhaling the spirit of God"  - Edwin Keith

Sunday we plan to go to church and then to Chilliwack to celebrate Mikie's birthday.


nancy-Lou said...

Believers.....I think one of the most important things a person can do is, " to believe in oneself" and you can accomplish anything you desire.
Of course being a believer in faith is a different aspect of being a believer, but that too can accomplish a lot.

What grocery store do you shop at that is nearby Beth? We don't buy groceries here because the prices are high. I understand the need of small grocers to have price that are higher than Winnipeg..but they take advantage of the summer crowd with jacked up prices and keep them year around. Also the quality of fresh produce and dairy is often outdated in the winter.
We shop at Super Store in Winnipeg. Do you have them in Vancouver?

Today is the day " the promise" is fullfilled....above freezing temps at 7am, sunny with an amazing blue sky...a high of 8 degrees so let the melting begin! Bella and Max will have a good walk today, but will come home mighty dirty and wet. Nothing an old towel can't clean up easily.

Wishing you both a wonderful Sunday,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

So true Nancy.

Our old towel is used to dry off Haiti after a walk in the rain.

I can walk to the Safeway and there is an excellent vegetable place on the way where prices are lower. We have a Superstore but find it to tiring to shop there.
I often just get a few things when we run out or when it is on sale.

Enjoy your day.

Love Beth

Anonymous said...

Respite from the heat today. Then back up to near record heat for the rest of the week. I think Dad should go very strict on his diet at first and see if there is any change to the pain in his feet. After a month and no change maybe that will tell you something?
Starting a week of late shifts . 1am Finnish if the last flights are on time.
Ps No air conditioning for me ...that would be too easy!!

beth bennett said...

I am thankful we live in a moderate climate, but there are a few days when I have felt air-conditioning would be fine.

Yes I agree dad should eat better as well as keep sugar free. He was putting raisins on his porridge but that is bad too.

We will have to work on this. He rode his indoor bike today which is important too, to get exercise.

Take care.

Love mom