Saturday, March 26, 2016


Sat. was a good day to get things done outside like cleaning off the outdoor furniture and cutting the last bit of lawn. 

I hope it is not threatening to rain on Easter Sunday.  The plan is for a beach party.

I am caught up in the Easter story with all it's passion and drama.

Jesus a man who faces the future with a sorrowful heart takes three of his friends with him as he prays with deep emotion. 

If I was facing a life threatening situation I would want to share it with those who are close to my heart.

He did not want to die.  He reveals his humanity and his divinity as he throws himself down to pray weighed down will intense emotion and honesty.
A man like one of us threatened by the religious authorities continues to bring truth into the light.
A truth about religion that sets people free instead of ensnaring them with dogma and doctrine.

There is a Heavenly Father who longs to be the father to the fatherless.  Jesus fully reveals the loving heart of His Heavenly Father.

This is important because our earthly fathers can be a barrier to having a relationship with God.

They are the first to teach us about obedience and authority, provision and security, and belonging and caring unconditional love!

Jesus taught me that religion at it's best can be a great adventure even in a world where there be cruelty and violence.  Sickness and death. 

Even Jesus cried out to God with great emotion feeling that God had forsaken him on the cross of
unbearable pain after having to carry this cross bruised and beaten until he stumbled.

He was willing to die for his beliefs.
Happy Easter!  Off to church after I find my Easter Bonnet!  then off to the Beach!


nancy-Lou said...

Happy Easter, Beth, Larry and the Bennett family! Are you going on a beach picnic for Easter dinner? Now that is inovative! I hope the weather is good...nice and sunny. I am looking forward to seeing some pictures.

I always like to hear the story of Christ and the miracle of his resurection....thanks for your writings on this today.

Our large farm chicken is in the over... it is 9 obs. they are free run chickens and taste wonderful compared to the turkeys or chickens one buys in the supermarkets. The lemon pie is made...the Ambrosia ( specially for my Granddaughter ) is half way made so things are going well! Just waiting for the sugar free jello to set.
There are only five of us for supper. We are a small family and our oldest son is away at his girlfriends home. But we do have two dogs and one guest dog..our son's.

It is a dreary day and chilly. The birds are swarming the bird feeders, anxiously looking for seeds. The ground is covered with snow again so there is little for them to forage. I save the food scraps for the crows and magpies ....they love it all! The crows are such interesting birds to watch. They are paired in twos now and sit cuddled up on the trellis...the male fluffing up his throat feathers and taking in a sweet voice..."charming his mate"! We have about 25 crows here right now and they stay together in a flock...but in distinct pairs. The young stay with their family a second year and don't mate, instead they help with the new youngsters.

Have a wonderful Easter day with your family,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter. Easter Monday here. We had a nice Easter dinner at Nonna's. There were 12 of us. The weather was ok. The kids enjoyed their egg hunt. We let the sheep in so they could eat the grass around the house as there is little or no grass in the paddock.

beth bennett said...

Good to hear about both of your Easters.

I have just gotten home after a full and fun day.

love mom