Friday, March 25, 2016


I had planned going to church on Good Friday but. . . .  I did scripture reading and praying.

Sometimes life does seem like you are lost and cannot find your way in the forest.

Love can be revealed to us in painful circumstances.

The young boy in the story of the Invisible Thread remembers the day he first knew his mother loved him.  His day had taken him away from his mother when he was about two saying because of her addictions she could not care for him.  He returns later and his mother did not recognize hi at first he was so skinny and shriveled looking.  She was horrified  and cased after her husband with a hammer.

"He will remember this as the first moment he knew his mother loved him."

Will Good Friday be remembered as the day we feel the amazing love of Jesus in his sacrificial death.?  A powerful message that is important to be relived.

Confusing changed started happening on the night before when Jesus insisted on washing their dirty smelly feet.  Not me said Peter unless you wash all of me.  Jesus replied that would not be necessary.
I have very ugly feet and would feel embarrassed and confused to.  Yet our feet takes into the darkness of our future and they do get dirty and weary and painful and worn out.

"Do you know what I have done to you?
You call me teacher and Lord for that is what I am.
I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one an other's feet.
John's gospel

  Jesus knew that it would be difficult for his disciples to live and carry on without him..  He is going into the forest alone and we can easily loose sight of Him.  He is Invisible!

Kim is insisting on doing a good in-depth clean and I say no don't worry but there is no stopping her.

Our front door lock has not been working so dad went to get a new one and installed it,  one that is programmed.  Theresa Ben and Morgan dropped by to pick up Kim and go and have lunch with Grama Sabrien.   They hurried in for a bathroom stop  thenen they were off to the big soccer game in Van.  Ben is playing an early game Sat. Morning against Edmonton.  Kim left for work.

Two of the Mormons who used to visit Gundy dropped by and they were pleased to know where she is and they will visit her,  I am soo thankful.

"Know this day and take it to heart, that God is God everywhere, in the heaven above and the earth below, there is none other."  -Deut. 4:39


Sandra said...

I would never say no to an offer of a deep cleaning!!!!!! Kick me out any time

Sandra said...

I would never say no to an offer of a deep cleaning!!!!!! Kick me out any time

beth bennett said...

Well you published that time.

I took Haiti for a walk and dad went to get a new rubber band for the vacumn.

Who knows what will happen next? Have a safe trip prayers go with you.

love Mpom

nancy-Lou said...

YAY for Kim, doing a thorough are blessed to have her!

Good Friday was always one day I never missed going to church. It is one of the most important days in the church I don't go. I feel I should and feel guilty not going...but I am not sure what I believe anymore. My faith is strong...but what I have been taught all those years...well I don't know about it now. I always enjoyed Easter Sunday too, especially the familiar Alleluia hymns where the ladies with good singing voices almost raised the rafters. I loved to play for the service...very moving.

We received 8 inches of heavy wet snow and it was hard going, trying to shovel it all. but I got it all done. Carl cannot do any of the heavy work. It was so beautiful to wake up to such a glorious scene outdoors when I lifted the blind...WOW was my first word of the day.

I watch the sun creeping around the living room...getting further north in it's travels. The longer days are so welcome.

I didn't get the dogs our for a walk today because the heavy snow would stick to their coats and makes ice balls on their paws and they are painful for them to walk on.

Have a good evening, Larry and Beth,

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy you paint beautiful word pictures.

I missed the Good Friday service but was confused about the time and place.

It was sunny but cool here today and I took Haiti for a long walk to be out of ear shot in case dad got mad at the new door and to be out of the way. Dad is now watching hockey and then we will put a D.V.D. in.

Have a good Easter Sat.

Love beth

Anonymous said...

I have the day off. I am watching the Canucks lose. Matthew and I are going to see Superman vs Batman today. The girls don't want to come. I got to bed around two am after getting home at 1am. Last night was ok at work , end of a very busy week. The weather here is still warmish around 20c . We are going to Nonna's on Sunday for Easter lunch.

Anonymous said...

Grundy must have deteriorated really quickly as she was ok last time I met her.i thought she was a strong independent older lady.

nancy-Lou said...

Awe that is too bad you didn't know where the service was today or the time, Beth. Often the times are different from what we are used to. Our church is usually at 11:30 Sundays, but the Good Friday service was at 4pm.

That was so kind of your to comment about my words....but I know you are a much better writer than I. I don't have the wisdom or the way with words that you do. Also I love your humour!
That was a good plan to get out of the way glad you and Haiti were able to go for long walk. Just think how far you have come from when you didn't have the strength to go for a walk when you were ill and in the hospital with your broken arm. Keep up the good work!

I wish you a wonderful Easter Saturday too,

Love, Nancy

ps...that poor little girl of Kens, not understanding that her Easter card was coming in the mail after her brothers came first. oh to be that young!