Thursday, March 3, 2016


The sun is not shining and the rain is not raining and the wind is not blowing
New blossoms to brighten my walk.    So I am sure it will be a good day after I get the dentist over with.  As I went out the door to the dentist it had started to rain but everything was timed just right for my walk in the sunshine home.

Dad has prediabetes which he should be able to control with diet.  No sugar, no bread, no cereal, no cookies, no pasta, no rice no etc.  He has already cut out cookies and now it is the matter of better meal planning.  It will be wonderful if it helps his feet and his knees.  Exercise is also very important.

Cathy dropped by with two little pots of daffodils and a tiny note.  So thoughtful when I needed a little extra loving.

Carol and Panteli are dropping by about 6 so we may go out for supper.

There is laughter in loving and living.
There is laughter in serving There is laughter in giving.
Laughter can also ease pain!



Sandra said...

So, pretty much a low carb diet, much like Randy and were doing.

I found I had to keep some of the carbs in, to have none like Randy tried to do was not for me.

I forgot to ask, did you get some good visiting in on Sunday? I thought I saw you having a few good talks.


Anonymous said...

You sound like Dr Seuss. Not great news about dad and the diabetes,but it's a start , and let's hope it helps.
Very hot today. Hopefully there will be a storm to drop the temperature when the kids do their tennis lessons after school.

nancy-Lou said...

Pre- diabetes. well that is better than diabetes. I was diagnosed with this about 10 years ago and saw a dietician. I found it really helped me. Perhaps that may be helpful to Larry.
My sugar levels are still the same after all these years. Good luck Larry!
You can do it.

How pretty are those pink flowers...I remember how lovely the gardens are in March as they wake up. Some of the homes we rented in Parkville had beautiful gardens. You truly do live in LotusLand.

WOw, those temperatures in Melbourne are so hot! I really think I prefer it cold rather than hot like that. One would have to have air conditioning would they?

We are just taking it easy for a few days as Carl recovers from his surgery. I have my music and art classes tomorrow, which I really look forward to. It is snowing like a banshee this morning, but it is welcome because it ushers in warmer air. They are predicitng a high of 10 degrees....yes plus 10, on Sunday. We will see if that happens...I really doubt it with all this white stuff on the ground. Next week is supposed to be mostly above 0 so melting will begin. Bring on Spring, yes!

The horned owls already have young in their nests. They are one of the first to have their young. The ravens are courting...I see them doing their free fall flight and cosying up on the tree branch. The signs are there! The Pine Grosbeaks are making quite an impressive appearance at our bird feeding station today. There must be about 20 and quite a few are males. The males are getting their breeding colours now and the normal dull reds are becoming much brighter. Very pretty. I will see if I can get a good photo of them when I go out to feed them. They are used to me and I can almost walk up to them. One of my favourite birds.

Well, I wish you and Larry a good day today...filled with lot so little pots of daffodils and notes....what a lovely gift from Cathy!

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

No cookies?

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick, no cookies!

Dad had already started cutting them out as we had wonder about his high sugar intake. Now I have to get organized and get gooder food in the house. Lucky we have vegetables and fish in the freezer. Dad is not that hungry except when he thinks of fish and chips. Maybe he can have them once in awhile.

Hoping for sunshine to bring back a feeling os spring,

Love mom