Tuesday, March 22, 2016


What a great surprise to have sun the whole day.

It is still spring break here.  The boys were out playing catch so baseball must be starting soon.

Dad had a big bike ride through the watershed park and through several neighborhoods.  This is good for him.

Dad and I drove to White Rock and stopped into Choices and Milestones.  The prices have gone up a bunch.  I guess that should not be a surprise.

I got the front lawn cut and it is suppose to rain to-morrow or actually to-night.

I had a nice surprise when I met Joanne on my morning walk as it has been awhile since we have talked.  She looked up as we were chatting and to our surprise there were 6 eagles flying around and around overhead.

I was surprised to read that Joseph Campbell taught about the hero's journey into the dark wood many years ago.  He talked about it as our path to discover who we are and what we are made of.  We are lured into the mysterious forest because we are seduced by the promise of great things.  The surprise comes when we face disappointment, failure and our own weaknesses.

When we find our way out we are wiser and stronger and the gifts we bring with us will be a blessing to others.

The hero's journey is one of self-discovery.  The surprise comes with the knowledge that hidden in our disappointments are miraculous blessings.  I know that looking back I can see what I could not see at the time because we all get caught up in our day to day struggles.


Sandra said...

The surprise is that I have commented and it has not stuck... I got the front and back yard grass cut yesterday too, then tried to clean the pool but the pump is not working very well.

Suitcase is mostly packed, just have to throw in the last minute things that I wash tomorrow night.


beth bennett said...

Kim surprised me with a little goodie bag
with some healthy goodies because I was a little down.
I am excited for you!
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, that is so nice of Kim to give you a "cheer up" surprise! Granddaughters are wonderful aren't they? Good for you Kim!

Good for Larry going for a long bike ride....getting outdoors makes one feel so much better. It was too late for me to take Max and Bella for a walk when we got home, but tomorrow I will...we don't like to miss a day of walking.

A sunny day was here today too...along with cold temps...brrrrrr -15 this morning. I had to warm up the van before we left for Winnipeg. Carl had chest X-rays and ultrasound and he has a pocket of fluid in the pleura. The doctor was thinking of taking it off with a needle, but decided to see what it looks like in a couple of months. Hopefully, he won't have the litre and half like the last time, when he needed a chest tube..

The stores were busy and there was a lot of traffic...people are getting ready for Easter. It is always good to arrive home and be greeted by the dogs...so happy to see us!

Wishing you a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Rick's son Chris had fluid taken off his lungs when he was about 9 or 10.
He was sure brave. He had it several times and ended up in Children's hospital for an operation.
I do hope and pray Carl will improve and not need a test tube.
We take it a day at a time don't we.
Hope you get out for your walk tomorrow.
Love Beth