Saturday, March 12, 2016


I am thankful to be able to walk!

Not only is it good exercise but it is also good spiritually  Spending time in quiet reverence can take place as we walk breathing in fresh air and enjoying nature. 

My day was all planned but things quickly changed.  My walk was delayed as Cathy and Glen stopped in for a visit bringing us a nice salad.

I think she must have heard me muttering about having to make three good meals a day.  Carol also phoned to ask us for supper and to have a visit with Ben and Morgan.  They went for a walk at the bird sanctuary and then to the dollar store.  Morgan purchased some crafts to make and decorate the table with Easter bunny cups.  We even had healthy chocolate cake!  Yes dad had some too!

I am trying to go a bit further on my morning walk and was surprised to see Sandra walking down towards us.  Haiti started wagging her tail furiously as soon as she saw her.  She and Randy were on the way over for a visit before going home to start work on their bathroom.  We are so grateful for our caring family.

Later Pat and John dropped by as John was teaching dad some things on the computer, while Pat and I had some tea.  We have a lot in common as we face some common problems together.  We would like to be busier doing something worthwhile but I know for me it is a lack of energy.

I enjoy my walks and often have a good chat with God as I am walking!
I have to learn to listen better.

I want to walk with God in fellowship all during the day!

I am not feeling well enough to attend church as I have intended to do.


nancy-Lou said...

yes, I too like to walk alone and "commune" with God. I feel closer to God out in nature than I ever do in church. Walking is not easy for me right now because the roads are icy and mucky. A very dirty time of year. I will be glad when all the snow is melted!

It is so nice to see how Carol fosters the arts to Morgan by taking her to art places and buying her art stuff! We are so fortunate to have Grandchildren. I still teach my Granddaughter too even though she doesn't have much time due to her studies, we still had time for a piano lesson on Friday.

Good for you Beth, trying to extend your walks....don't overdo it though...little at a time, right?

With the advent of the unseasonally warm weather some migratory birds have arrived very early. Geese, Bald eagles, and even some Juncos. I am worried though, because we Manitobans know that winter is not over and there will be at least one more blast of snow and cold. Hopefully these birds will be able to survive. I will buy some small bird seeds for them...something we don't use in the winter because the winter birds don't eat them.

Yes, we will pay, for this warm weather...that is for sure! ALways happens. But very grateful for it in the meantime.

It is good to recognize that you are not well enough for church....and not push your self to do things...just go with the flow! That from a watercolour teacher and it is my mantra!

Easter is early this year, isn't it? I believe just two weeks away! I guess we will have to get our eggs ready for the "crackin".

Wishing you a blissful Sunday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy,
Wind and rain prevented an afternoon walk.
love beth