Thursday, March 31, 2016


We are so blessed
to have such amazing  weather
and to be surrounded with
so much beauty
and the scent of spring.

It makes you want to get working
on all the things you have been
putting off.

We were going to give this old bench
away but after sanding and painting
it has come to life again.

Yes dad did find the camera.  It stayed on the roof of the car for two days while we were driving around.  It slid underneath the roof rack.  That was pretty amazing. 

My computer is now telling me I am not authorized to look at my pictures.  What does that silly thing know?

I am now finishing up my serious reading.

The resurrection is important to me and must be even more important to Pakistan's Christian minority.  A suicide bomber wounded more than 200 in a park in Lahore killing 72 others.  A Easter gathering of picnicking Christians.  Also killing Muslims and the saddest thing is the 29 children who died.  This ruthless attack was reported to be the Pakistani Taliban.

Christianity there has become a resilient force.  Their faith being the foundation of all they do and believe.  Armed  guards are on the buses that take girls to the convent school.

What does the resurrection mean to me?

We do not need to look for crosses as life gives them to you.  Sin may be the cause of some of our suffering but most of it is not because of it.

We are invivted by God as Jesus was to accept our cross.  Suffering is a part of everyone's life, a human reality.  It is real not an illusion as some Buddists teach.   Some days I complain but I try not to be bitter.

We are encouraged to die to self which encompasses selfishness and greed and pride and a critical spirit.  We meet God at the cross  to give us strength and forgiveness,

The Resurrection is an invitation to New life.


nancy-Lou said...

WOW...great job on resurrecting the bench, Larry! Looking mighty spiffy. Gosh the weather looks so nice....we had snow today, just in the air..none accumulating on the ground where we still have patches from the wintertime. Nice analogy with the spiritual writings and the bench....Resurrection!

Isn't that a funny thing...the camera driving around for two days on the roof rack...well at least you found it and can use it again. Things happen, right?

I read an article about Michael Coren and apparently he was a fervent Catholic until recently when he decided he couldn't tolerate the Catholic belief about Gay people...where they are so against them. He is a married man with children. Sooo he has been going to the Anglican church for the past year....where he is happy. He lost quite a few weekly columns where he wrote about the Catholic church as well as some speaking engagements. He has written quite a few books could google him if you are interested, Beth. I most certainly believe in the rights of Gay people and have friends and co-workers when I was on staff at our school. Fine people.

I hope the fine weather continues for the is nice to see everyone enjoying the good weather.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy I will do that. and we are sure enjoying the nice weather.

Love Beth