Thursday, March 10, 2016


I think that dad is dizzy because he is not eating enough and has low blood sugar.  It is a bit tricky this diet business and not only the diet but changing to eating more regularly.

We are both better today and I had a headache too so that did not help.

After the heavy rain the wind started blowing like crazy and kept it up all night.    Sure was noisy and I pictured awakening to a lot of damage.  Our garbage pail was blown away and our outdoor furniture was overturned.  The fall storms are worse as the branches are dry and get broken off easily.

Dad and I drove to the beach but the wind had already died down.  Too bad we could not go for a walk as dad's feet are too bad.  He did ride his indoor bike and his outdoor bike so that was good.

I went to the store and to the post office to mail some Easter cards.  Stamps are terribly expensive.  I have fun sending out the cards so why not?

Too bad Sandra lost her power and I hope it is back on now.

Just like there are storms in our daily lives there are storms in the spiritual realm.  Times when we lose the light and feel engulfed with darkness and dullness.  For me it is a sense of being handicapped.

I read again the four stages of prayer.

The first stage is purely mental.
 The second is becoming quiet.  Shutting out distractions.
The third is union where we feel God is listening.
The fourth is a state of rapture and joy and fulfilment.
The last for me is rarely felt but I pray anyway for you all!

We stop on the bridge on the way to the ocean.


Steady-as-rain said...

You went to White Rock? I'm trying to imagine where that photograph might have been taken.



beth bennett said...

On the bridge to Ocean Park just off the freeway.

It was cold and windy so we did not stay long.

Love mom