Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The mornings are still dark and cold.

Hero's  get up anyway.

I think wars are started just so that mostly men but now more and more women can be hero's.  Dragons were invented for the same reason.  Why are the hero's in the old Testament are the ones who fought battles and killed the most of the enemy.

What makes a person an enemy?

Dad and his dad watched his uncles march off to war and it was depressing for his dad to have to be the one who had to stay home to care for family.  We would not have felt  like a hero but he was.  It takes greater courage to face life when it seems like you are forgotten and of little use.

It takes great courage to face old age and the aches and pains and loss of energy.

Dad and I battle against pain and clumsiness and lack of energy.  My problem is a lack of patience and I easily get frustrated.  Dad seems to still like a challenge.  I know everyone feels tired to some degree or another.

If I can look at my past life as spiritual boot camp with all its joys and sadness, and realize that our lives are not over but we are in a stage of new beginning.  My challenge is to see that the keys to victory are internal.  It is about the spiritual character that can replace doubt and disease with a new sense of acceptance even with the vulnerability we feel.

Like Marianne Williamson  says we may skip some lessons at school but we can't skip any of the lessons of life.  A lesson will repeat itself until we have learned what we were meant to learn.  Pain can burn you up and destroy you, or burn you up and redeem you.

Dear God
May my spirit be reborn that I might be a better person.
I give you my weaknesses
I give you my shame over my past failures
knowing that not all will be healed but hopefully transformed by Your Grace
and that my hopes for what I can still become will give me new life,
With Your Help.

Off to visit at the Senior's Home.

The sun is coming out.

Kim is home.

Dad does not think I should drive.  I would not want to cause an accident.
I have never liked driving and always found it stressful.
Yes it did help to pray silently as I drove!


Sandra said...

Well, you and dad do amazingly well, you both handle your growing challenges with a lot of grace. So, you are both my heros, since I plan on living a very long life chances are pretty good I will have some of these same things to deal with eventually, and not at all sure I will do as well as you two.


larry bennett said...

Yes you will !!

nancy-Lou said...

What a sweet comment from Sandra....she is so caring! She is right too...you both do so well for all the things you have to go through. You are heroes too! Health challenges especially are difficult and you both have them. I guess it comes with getting to be old...we are noticing the same things.

A lovely prayer Beth...very touching. Thanks for posting it.

Well our early spring weather ground to a halt today, with about two inches of snow. We are back to the white landscape and it looks so pretty. All the tree branches are wearing a fur coat of white. At fist it was ice when the rain changed to snow. The highways are said to b e a sheet of ice and very treacherous.A friend had to drive 100 kms home on straight ice and she could only go 60 kms an hour.

I was trying to downsize today and having a difficult time. Sorted through all my music and organized it, but only found two books to toss out. Now going through all the art stuff. Pricing it and will have a big sale in the spring in May so I can clear out a lot and start with new work.

Wishing you good sleep,

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes a good sleep is so important.

love Beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Dad might be right on the driving thing.

