Monday, March 28, 2016


An old back up camera.
It was amazing how many people were at the beach but we had the best picnic!
Are you having fun yet?  Rick?
The hard workers
The fire pit
The happy couple expecting a new little one in Sept.
Morgan soon has her jacket off and is running around looking for Easter eggs!  Yes she and Kate did find some.
  Kate is her cousin.
Carol has the perfect jacket!
The girls!
Yes Haiti was there too.

Chuck and Penteli
Ben would leave early to play goalie for a team that was missing a goalie. 
A long walk to the washroom!
Carol, cousin Kate and her mom Michelle
Theresa giving Chuck a helping hand.
Dad and I head for home by the duck pond.  Warmed by laughter as well as the fire!


nancy-Lou said...

WOW, lots of food and lots of people! Funny how the guys always end up around the food! haha.
Great photos of all..including Haiti! I hope you didn't get a chill, it doesn't look very warm. But it was sunny and I guess that is what counts...the warmth the sun radiates these days is a lot.We notice it when we are driving into Winnipeg and don't need the car heater on...well that is once the car warms up!

Where did you have the picnic...which beach?

We had a quiet Easter...the Easter Dinner was good, especially the lemon favourite! It is all gone now! It was nice to have my artist friend come too, Susan Sullivan. She brought some rice krispie cake and it disappeared in a hurry.

Our minister called in today for a quick visit and brought a lovely plant from the Easter garden at church yesterday. She just had a quick visit but will come back one day with her partner, Merna for a good visit. I knew I should have gone to church...

I read an interesting article about the Christian Church and EAster....I will send it to you on your Facebook page, Beth.

How is your garden Beth? Is it blooming with spring flowers?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

We had hamburgers and hot dogs and great salads.

There was chocolate brownie made out of chick peas made by Kim.

It was pot luck so you can wear what ever you want.

Yes flowers are blooming and it is warmer today,

Love beth