Friday, March 18, 2016


Lovely sunrise in the morning
but the wind is cold for my
walk with Haiti. 

Yesterday when dad felt better we drove
to Tsawassen to put a plant on grannie's
grave.  It was such a beautiful day and it is so quiet and peaceful there.  We walked around
and looked at a lot of grave stones.  The little
ones are so sad.

Then we drove to Ladner for fish and chips which are dad's favorite.  So it was a fishy day with tuna for lunch and cod for his supper. 

Dad's cold has gotten worse so he has been resting most of the day.

I have decided to be like the GPS lady in his car who tells him where to go and where to turn, so I am telling him when to eat and when to take his vitamins etc.

I try to tell myself that even if I feel old I need to try and act young and laugh at myself.

"Eat what you like
and let the food fight it out inside of you.    -Mark Twain.

We had a talk on the phone with Mary and Michael John to cheer us up.

We have been missed at the study group and at the tea.  Too bad we missed a visit with Jane and Geff.  We are getting together next Thursday and then they will be moving to the North Shore.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I guess that will be good for Geoff and Jane, but I am sure you will miss being able to see them. That is nice that Mary called. I forget, did I ask why she called?
