Friday, August 12, 2011


Although I have far more than I need, and treasure all the little gifts that have been given to me, I sometimes am attracted to some item that is on display.  I know that it would be out of place in my house with all the variety of things I have collected through the years.

Seedsf discontent can easily be sowen.
Over the years I have searched for happiness but now am surr
ounded by rich memories that have allowed me to move from insecurity into a place of feeling deeply loved.

This morning I was searching for words; words that may as well be blown away like tiny seeds that have to find a place to settle.

Yesterday I visited a friend with shingles and a frozen shoulder and it may me realize how fortunate I was with a hurting shoulder, which is getting better day by day.  Both dad and I had itchy eyes from doing a bit of work in the garden.  The garage is looking very good and yes the paint has dried.  Thankfully the day was warm and sunny.

I stretch my arms up and it feels so good.
I am reminded how sacred each of our lives really is and that it is in the silence of our being the seed of faith is resting waiting to be brought to life by warmth and nourishment. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Words are seeds that have already sprouted, I think. I mean, what would they turn into after they were planted? Paragraphs?

Another minor quibble.

Lovely post Mom!

