Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When I feel the darkness of despair and finding myself worrying too much
 I look up and remind myself that there is hope in prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
The wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace and maturity.

Our lives are so complicated and stressful that we need to learn to relax
and to let go.  Changing ourselves and the way we think and feel takes a lot
of courage.

I know I find strength in prayer and I know that only God knows the pain we bear.

Reaching out in times of darkness remind me of my human frality and that there is healing power of surrendering prayer.  I also need to reach out to others and share my true feelings.  Doctors and medicine are ways that God uses us to help us understand what is wrong and how we can help ourselves.

I am very happy that our bodies have been created with amazing ability to heal.

Prayer helps this healing process within me although it may take time, prayer also lifts me into the atmosphere of divine love.

I believe in a loving God whose ways I do not understand. 


Anonymous said...

To over come worry would truely put you up there with the saints. After all, not worrying can seem very much like not caring. So, maybe you can just call it you are caring about some one a lot and wanting a good outcome. I am very happy this morning, looking forward to the possiblitly of pain free sleep and another old work freind to visit in Edmonton who just had a baby. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That is my prayer for you. I know you are having a lot of pain in your back and hip and now your foot. It is discouraging to hear that there has been perament damage in the hip area.

love mom