Thursday, August 4, 2011


One advantage of getting lost in Stanley Park is that we saw a lot of neat stuff, like where the painters were putting things on display.  Beautiful paintings and a real variety.  Most of our pictures we have had for a long time, so they are old, but yet there are some my dad painted and others that have meaning for us, so we do not really need any more.

I was wishing yesterday they have one of those books Dummies for Getting Old.  Something very simple that I could honestly relate to.  Dad and I are finding it takes the two of us to get things done.  He goes out with the car to do the shopping for new lights for his shade deck as his other ones looked like they had been cut in many places, and buys cards for me while he is at the store,  then I write the letters and cards and he mails them.

It takes the two of us to do the watering although I want to be the one who decides what goes and what stays in the garden.  He will have to do the digging.  I am thankful he still likes to drive because I do not.
We both need a nap or else we fall asleep when we are reading.

I pick out a pile of books and things to give away and he puts them back, saying O I was planning to read that.

Talking about old may I stress how very old the Bible is.  But one of the problems with words that were written down ages ago is that the words and ideas contain the knowledge and customs of ancient people.
Looking at my own experiences at reading the Bible I realize that I have changed.

I was taught as a child that all the stories in the Bible were true.

Then I started reading what the scholars said about what was written.

I re-acted like many to historical critical skepticism by wanting to be a fundamentalist believer.

Now I see that the Bible needs to be liberated from both historical critics
and fanatic fundamentalists to each individual seeking spiritual truth that is contained in the stories.

We may have different opinions about the feeding of the 5 thousand but the message was the words that Jesus said to his worried disciples  "You go and look after it."

I think there is "Dummies" for reading the Bible!


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess you are just writing your own manual on being old as you go. And it is a reminder of one more thing to be thankfull for, that there still is the 2 of you to get things done, or undone as the case maybe. And I agree, if you take the bible down to its basic principles instead of debating endlessly over Issacc and his son then or what ever you are left with...well off the top of my head and not having read the bible in a very lng time I would say forgive, action over words, and allways stive for better. Sandra

beth bennett said...

excellent comments I couldn't agree more.

love mom