Friday, August 19, 2011


Dad will be studying the map this morning, along with the directions I have scribbled down, on how to get to visit Jane and Geof on the North Shore at their daughter's house.  There is one detour I know for sure that we are now aware of.

I am trying to map out the next four days because there are several things that need to be scheduled. 

I know that things can change at any time and although I do not believe that my life is mapped out by an invisible source at times when coincidences happen, or I feel lucky (like driving by an accident that just happened and I could have been involved if I had been there minutes earlier); why did I have the good fortune to be diagnosed with cancer so early so that is was treatable. 

Why do I look at things differently and trust that there is something tangible and yet not visible, that is at work within me and around me. I map out my days knowing that there may be detours which I cannot control.  Is my destiny in the hands of the Unknown? 

Can it be in the modification of my carefully arranged plans where I find trusting in God so helpful.  I did not choose the day I was born nor will I likely choose the day I will die.  I find that in trusting new hope is found and there is a potential for a new beginning. 

Blaming others, or God or religion may feel good for awhile but there comes a time to face up to what I am responsible for.  This is one of the shadows that sin takes root in.  Out of this comes the power that fuels hatred and mistrust.  Delusion and fear make us angry and rebellious.

The church has a role to play in helping us to find the truth and helping us strive to become the best we can be; but not giving in to the compromise that modern-day scholars would have us trust.  The scriptures become a map that is not always easy to read or decipher

"Peace that surpasses all understanding,"

Seekers will find the way.

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