Friday, August 5, 2011


Dad and I had a delightful visit with Jane and Geof as we sat on their sundeck overlooking their fron garden, and enjoyed the freshness of the day and catching up on what is happening in our lives.  Jane and I exchange gifts as we have continued to bless each other with our friendship.  Over the years we have had our ups and downs and it is wonderful to have some one you can share your heart with.

Both Jane and I had plans to go visiting.  Jane was visiting one of our dear friends who is very ill in hospital.  I was off to see my regulars who are sharing with me some of their deepest thoughts and experiences.  Getting to know someone takes time and the willingness to listen.

As I wake up this morning I am praying for a suuny day for my neighbor down the street as their daughter is getting married.  So much time and energy has been put into the planning of what they want to be a perfect day.  I have gotten to know Donna as she is watering her garden early in the morning as I return from my walk.  She is a delightful person!

As I pray I am pondering about the unknownness of God.  I know the God I want to believe in that is loving and compassionate and firm.  When I think of the story of Jacob who was deceitful and devious;  cynical and manipulative, a man driven by ambition with no consideration for others.  He took what he considered rightfully his.

Years later he will have a painful dream which he wrestles with an angel, a messenger of God, he will awaken from the struggle injured and crippled and exhausted but his soul has been set free.  He will finally see life in a new way and in discovering the wonder and awe be transformed into a man of compassion.  He now knows his need of forgiveness and his desire is to make things right.

He has faced his demons that have driven him and has found freedom and peace.

"Religious insights require not only a dedicated intellectual endeavor to get beyond the "idols of thought"
but also a compassionate lifestyle that enables us to break out of the prison of self hood.  Aggressive logos, which seeks to master and control and even kill off the opposition, cannot bring this transcendent insight."  From the Case for God by Karen Armstrong.

Hopefully I can learn from the negative examples a truth that is being brought to life! 

The  STORY  begins with the creation of a garden but that is only the beginning!  The struggles will continue until the greatest struggle of all takes place in another garden. 

The tradegy of death is very real in our lives today and yet I have to believe and have faith in a love that never dies. 


Anonymous said...

That is funny how the story of man for Christians starts in a garden. I know that some of the stories that Sukhi tells me from her religion also involve a garden. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That is true

Anonymous said...

garden and a elephant i think. our warm spell is over back to winter here.Jasmine had her shots yesterday.

beth bennett said...

Yes I am sure there was an elephant too,