Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yes, I have had my share of doubts as I am pretty sure we all have.  Yesterday I had no doubt at all that we where to go and take Shirley out for coffee, or breakfast.  It turned out she had not had any coffee or cereal that morning, which is her normal breakfast, because she was out of milk.  Also the men where cleaning her little sundecks so it was good for her to be out of her room.  Her room seems more homey now and she is getting use to being there.  She misses her old friends so was thrilled to have our visit.

We drove home 5 minutes faster than last time so that was an achievement.  I thought dad needed a rest from his digging especially when he gets that mad glint in his eye that makes him determined to dig up as many roots as he can find.

Today we may go shopping for a new printer as ours is not working.  Dad spent several hours trying to get it to work.  It is strange how something can work one day and then the next just stop.

The strange thing about doubts is that they do not need to rob you of your faith; but asking hard questions is a good thing to do.  Certainly from the beginning of time there has been the creation of gods who satisfied believers.  I know that I inherited my religion as a child and it was simple and for me so easy to believe.

The problem of tragedy, violence, suffering and injustice;  just to name a few,  are problems for us all

I do not see abandoning God making the problems go away, unless I blame him for all the evil in the world.  The problems are ours to solve because we have created many messes in our lives.  I agree with the people who think that punishment of the rioters should have been quick instead of becoming this slow process that has many people looking at pictures and trying to figure out who did what damage; but in actual fact there is no doubt.  We have their pictures as they where caught in the act.

It appears this violence is continuing in many other places and the innocent are being abused.  There is a time and a place for judgment and for punishment.  We have a great responsibility to see that justice is carried out to protect everyone.


Anonymous said...

Abandoning God does not make all the problems go away, nor does believing in God. There was an accident on Nordel yesterday, so my drive home was slow, but still got the front and back grass cut. Randy was in the shower when I got home so I quickly started before he had a chance to tell me not to. Just in case Dr Notle tells me I cant after Friday I want to get all the grass cutting in I can! Sandra

Anonymous said...

In my view, it is not a question of believing or not believing in God, it is a question of allowing the shape of God to expand and move and change. Religious God is not, of course, the real thing - in most ways Religious God is made to look like a supporter of human hierarchical organizations - the Catholic Church is the most obvious example, but there are hundreds of others.

The task, therefore, is not to choose to believe in God or not, but rather it is to attempt to understand what the proper shape of God. This, of course, is a very daunting task, to say the very list. It is, in consequence, a task largely of imagination and not faith at all.

