Sunday, August 28, 2011


Surrounded by the beauty and freshness of nature our family gathers to celebrate Tyler and Kim joining us from the Grand Cayman and Brisbane.

Tyler and Kim

The fire makers Craig and Mikie

Ron and Donna

Oliver too

Leah has a turn preparing supper

Thedresa and Mikie on her birthday!

Sandra and Randy and dog

Ben shows off the small unsharpened axe which Randy tried to sharpen on a rock.

The end of a happy day
Missing where Chris (working) and Rick.
Maybe we will see Tasha this week.

Although I usually find going to church refeshing and renewing I am a bit too tired today.


Shandel said...

beautiful pictures! i long to go camping. i think i shall make more time for it next summer!

beth bennett said...

A lot of work but everyone pitched in to make it a great day with lots of good food and fun!

Anonymous said...

It was a very nice day, and a perfect drive home with the sun setting over the mountains. I almost drove back up there today. Sandra