Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This lilly is from Sandra's garden.

Dad and I exchanged jobs.  He did the watering and I went to visit our neighbor who was not feeling so well.  She has some wild daises come into her garden which was so orderly and well planned.  I am okay with our garden right now.  Dad hung up the hoses so nicely so he does a better job of that.  I find our hoses so heavy that at the end of watering I am too tired to wind them all up.

Went to the store twice first to get some spices and then realized it was 10% day so we took the car and did a good job of getting some heavy items.

There is now proof that Pentecostals in some of the poorer countries in the world are doing a good job of organizing and helping and schooling and now getting people involved in political work.  Once known only for it's emotional worship it is bringing new life in a practical way.  Joining this religious group requires courage and risk of being looked down upon but they are helping people to find dignity with their life giving message of faith.

I think that religion, that is pure, peaceful and gives to all life some deep spiritual significance has a job to do.  A job to create community and caring that strengthens the weak and guides those with plenty.  The message of Jesus was simple and is apart of all religions.  Love what is holy and love one another.


Anonymous said...

Always good to hear that people are putting their belief in god to practical use by blessing the lives of others. Good to know your watering is done. I am now pretty determined to tear apart my own garden. I like yours so much better. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Always good to hear that people are putting their belief in god to practical use by blessing the lives of others. Good to know your watering is done. I am now pretty determined to tear apart my own garden. I like yours so much better. Sandra