Thursday, August 25, 2011


We make our plans and then the unexpected happens.

This world that seemed a friendly place becomes insecure and hostile.  Those in power frustrate and mis-use the responsibility they have to make the world a more equal place for all.  Instead power and greed that has corrupted the souls who have placed their security in money, is now causing unrest in many places of the world.

Jobs are not secure as companies seek to use workers who are willing to take less wages.

There is some comfort in knowing that others are going through difficult times; and maybe as we help one another we can help ourselves.  Are we really prepared for the unexpected?  Can we be patient while waiting and praying for better things to happen?

I am reading a book about an Australian man who was born with no arms and no legs.  His parents met in a Melbourne church.  After he was born the family moved to Brisbane where the climate was better for him because of his allergies.  Eventually they where able to move to the States because they thought there would be better care and access to new prosthetics.

Today he travels around the world where he comes face to face with unbelievable suffering and poverty.  Even in a place called Garbage City where their lives where searching through garbage every day to find objects to sell, recycle or somehow make use of people overcame despair.  One thing that helped was their faith.

As our circumstances change it takes courage and a fighting spirit to accept the things we cannot control and trusting that good can come from uncertainty.

His mother who had rejected him as a new born baby was able to see his beauty and when he faced rejection at school she was able to share his feelings.  She came to believe that God had a plan and a purpose for his life and that one day that would be revealed.

I remember as a new mother I would unwrap the little bundle that was my new baby to check the fingers and toes and feel reassured that all was well.

Many years later he became a motivation speaker and travelled to the poorest places to share what he had learned.  Yes, our faith does not allow us to live life in a happiness bubble but to count our blessings and to try to help and care for one another.

Prayer does help me, a worrier, not to worry quite so much but in all things give thanks.

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