Monday, August 15, 2011


Who would think these pretty little, well actually they have grown very big and multiplied, would cause distress but when too many of them crowd out other flowers they need to be taken out roots and all.  For this I am dependant upon dad's help.  It is distressing when you start losing your strength even a little bit.
I do still carry heavy bags home from the store because I always bug a few more things than I went for.

I was distressed when I went to church and was told about some one else now in hospital.  Russ is in Delta Hospital with a blood disorder.  (But the good news was that we have 90 year olds who are in very good health and Joyce was one that just turned 90 and is very cheerful and faithful in attending church.)
This gives us hope and the desire to do our best to be healthy.

I saw a book called "The Power of the Mind to Heal" and I do believe the mind does influence the body.  A person's thoughts can trigger stress hormones that affect the immune system

People who have a job they enjoy doing are truly blessed.  There are some people who have stressful jobs and yet they enjoy the stress.  To know that you are needed no matter what the job makes it a little more meaningful even when it can be boring and repetitive.

After church dad and I went to visit Marg at the hospital.  I was distressed at seeing all the very sick people and also distressed at the crowded corridors. 

Why is there so much suffering in the world?

Why unjustly on the good and seemingly to often spare the evil?

It is hard to find words to comfort those wounded souls in body and spirit.

Does suffering have a purpose and is that why in this imperfect world we are faced with the reality of pain and death? 

Jesus was the redeemer who touches the heart and soul with the power of our prayers to redeem and even to stir up healing strength in our bodies.  Faith has an ability to cure what science cannot!

I live in a culture that puts it's faith in medicine and science.  Faith was discarded and thought unnecessary so it was thrown out like the baby with the bath water.  True many disbelievers have lived very long lives.  I know that the times that I have been able to sense a divine presence especially when tired and not feeling so good that the distress was lifted and there came a peace.


Anonymous said...

We Skyped yesterday and Ben answered the Skype, so we had a nice Skype session with Ben and Morgan while Theresa and Mike carried on with their business!


Anonymous said...

I am reading the book in dad's Kindle, something about a mad house. I think what makes any situation the most distressing is knowing you are helpless to change things for the better. Here is hoping that your newly planted flowers bloom before fall and lots of bees and hummingbirds stop by to visit.

Anonymous said...

Yes the flowers are not really distressing me but visiting people with very serious illness breaks your heart and you do feel helpless

love mom