Saturday, August 6, 2011


I woke up yesterday with my mind full of plans.  My good intentions where put on hold as I had an early morning visit by a friend, which was good, but by the time she left I was too tired to start doing anything.  My best energy is in the morning and I am frustated when I start to read and I get sleepy.  I start getting restless because I want to stay awake.

So my good intentions left over from yesterday will now compete with todays list.

It brings to mind the movie "It's a Wonderful life" where the angel tells George who feels very unfulfilled and unsuccessful that his life but in fact his life had touched many lives and if he had not been there their lives would have been left with a hole in them.

One of my old favorite books "My Grandfather's Blessings" is stories by Dr. Remen who deals with the spiritual and emotional needs of people with cancer as well as their health problems.  Every story has the potential to teach us much about healing, love and laughter.

 We all need affirmation and at the end of the day I realize that God had better plans for my day than I did.

I can easily feel that my life is full of triialities and insignificant events and I want to do things that matter and can feel like a failure when night comes and I am glad to just fall into bed.

My book for dummies that are growing old would have to include being careful not to focus too much on yourself.  What aches?  Who called me or who has time for me?  What I can't do.  Have faith that to-morrow will be a better day.

I remind myself that it is important not to get stress about things undone but to keep an enthusiasum for life in general and yes to be ever thankful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good day today.