Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tried to capture the colours in my butterfly mobile my birthday present from Pearle.  It seems so long ago we use to go visiting at the hospital together as lay chaplains.  We were quite the pair!

Now that dad has cleaned out some, not all, of the wood ends in the garage he is going to tidy it up and paint the floor.  We need to get rid of an old chair and some footstools.  They can be dangerous.

I got two big garbage bags full of stuff to take to Value Village and of course we picked up a few things while we were there.  I am trying to sort through my books and give some away but every time I sit there and start reading them again.  I give things away because otherwise we seem to just get more and more stuff that we move from one place to another and then also maybe some one else can use them.

Dad and I were cheered up seeing Carol and Panteli on Skype and hearing Carol has been accepted and plans for their move into their home are progressing.  They looked so cool drinking their iced wine while I am drinking hot coffee.

It is darker here in the morning when I get up and a definite chill in the air.  The afternoon has been lovely and warm to sit out and read.

Darkness is a good lead into the spiritual although the word misty fog comes to mind as a better word.
Douglas Todd in the Vancouver Sun on the week-end talked about "secularization the best thing for religion".  People may say they have no religion and certainly do not feel any need to go to church.  If it means  religion losses it's state-sanctioned authority and its self-righteous morality then that is a good thing.

We benefit from religion when we experience the freedom to flit about like the butterfly!


Anonymous said...

I always kind of thought religion discouraged flitting around? Sorry did not make it over last night, just tired. Not sure if something new is in the air or what, sinus seem to be bothering me. Sandra Oh, and those pills from you gave me tummy aches.

beth bennett said...

I am usung my sinus rinse which really helps me.

They bothered dad's stomach too. I should take them back to the health Food Store.

Did they help at all?

love mom