Monday, August 29, 2011


Sings of fall appearing on my walks.  The leaves are beginning to change color and the acorns are falling.
It is quiet this morning with no little doggies following me everywhere, up and down the stairs, in and out of rooms; etc.  It also seems cooler.  We must have been tired last night because we left the garage door open all night.  The raccoons and made a mess of the box of dog biscuits.  I was very thankful Craig and Leah's camping gear was still there.

I just couldn't believe it when I got up this morning.

Yesterday unfolded slowly as walking in the park replaced church and my own morning walk.  Then dad and I went to buy food for supper not knowing just when Craig and Leah would pick up the dogs.  Our group met last night to watch a D.V.D. on Buddhisms.  This is one of the series called "The Great Courses".  It started with a small comparison of Christianity and Buddhism.  One I think may be called a religion and the other a philosophy although both contain some of each of these traits.  We had a good discussion with a lot of questions raised.  Questioning what I have learned over the years about my faith has been very healthy and I have also discovered changes in the beliefs and ways of being a follower of Jesus.

Spending a week-end camping is one way that all the different personalities come to light.  A good way for Tyler to get to know his cousins.  I think the plan is for Ron and Donna to bring him here today. 

Susan wants to plan a birthday party for Leah on Saturday and other plans are for Kim to bring Ben and Morgan for a sleep-over on Wed.  Where will everyone sleep?  Don't worry that is dad's plan.  Kim wants to go to Salt Spring maybe on Thursday.

I am inviting Tasha and Justice and of course Randy and Sandra to come on Wed. night.  But plans may change.  My energy levels are low and that is just my personality, as I have always tired easily and am not improving with age.  But I am learning to accept myself as me and not try to please others or be like them.
At least I think I am.


Anonymous said...

How can Kim go over to Salt Spring on Thursday, I thought they were leaving for Edmonton either Thursday night or super early on Friday morning? I have my apt with Dr Notle today, just hoping to get some news on my foot. I will let you know what I find out.

Anonymous said...

next friday sandy! What about having the dinner at Sandys on wed? also it is tylers birthday on saturday the 3rd. - theresa