Monday, January 11, 2010


I can vaguely remember an old fashioned stove like this. I think it may have been at my mom's cousins in Lypton in Sask. I remember getting the water from the well pump that seemed like great fun and they really had those big water jugs beside your bed.
I think that I am pretty old-fashioned in many ways but I have attempted to move with the times but maybe a step behind. I am fortunate that I have many good memories of growing up like going to the 5 and dime store and choosing a cut-out book or a colouring book. Times were so different then when ice and milk was delivered to your door and you could play outsides for hours without your mom worrying about you.

Last night I had a funny dream about catching an airplane. I couldn't find my purse [so true to life] and dad had gone off ahead of me. When I found my purse I found he had left some of his luggage behind so I picked that up too. I paniced when I couldn't get everything packed in my suitcase so Sandra came to help, but then we were running after dad and I was carrying a bedspread and some clothes and suitcases. Don't worry I told a stranger I will pack it when we get there. Then I saw Matthew and was chasing him but thinking well he does not know who I am so was releaved when Kenny came and caught him.

Church is becoming more and more an old fashioned thing to do. It is so easy to slowly stop doing something and never start it again. Religion is criticized and the sense of wonder and beauty is being lost; but I believe that basically human nature continues to stir within us to still seek after knowledge and truth. There will always be questions so we will always be called to seek for our own path in our own time and in our own way. The church for me has been a place of community and a place that strengthened my faith. There have been misunderstandings and disappointments but we can never run far enough to run away from these so it is better to face the good and the ugly in ourselves and in others.
Part of life is finding beauty in uglyness and being willinging to leave our comfort behind.


Anonymous said...

I dreamt of running away to Mexico and breaking into peoples houses and stealing stuff last night...hmmm, what does it all mean? You will be pleased to know I have many good memories of church as well, and I miss the community part of it a lot.

beth bennett said...

Yes, I am very pleased to know that. The comments add a lot to blogging as we can share memories and dreams. love mom