Saturday, January 30, 2010


We all have needs to be loved and accepted and appreciated; but these needs will often go unmet. We have to learn how to share our inner longings with one another; yet with the awareness that no human being can really understand us; and in fact will often disappoint us.

Everything does not happen at once and somethings will take years to mature abd develope. We need to be aware of our own pain which I think come out of two things; the need to control
and the failure to let go. No matter what life is not calm even as a garden will never be free of weeds. Gardens need constant care and attention as do our relationships. The fairy stories that ended in the lovers living happily ever after are very misleading.

Finding someone to go through the rough and the smooth in life takes an effort that can seem to take more than we have to give. That is when we go to the well of faith and drink from living waters and regain our sense of self. We are all in process and we all need to grow and learn from each other. If we could only do it gently without out letting the hurtful anger have it's way.

Like the seasons in nature we go through seasons of growth of death of loss and the return of life.

"Among the bare banches a light wind sounds and ceases
and a last leave flutters down, trembling
a moment more. . . and stillness.


Anonymous said...

The trick is, you pretend that you WANTED the weeds to grow there! It is rainings, so I wont come prune your gardent today, see how tommorrow goes.

Anonymous said...

Was that a promise? Yes, I should be happy seeing signs of life even if they are weeds. It is all in how you view things.

I know you find it hard to stay away from gardens so I will be patient. love mom