Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have always enjoyed reading. As a child if I got a story book for Christmas I was happy and now I buy myself a book that I can open on Christmas day. I was wishing I had taken a book along yesterday when dad and I drove to the Ladner water-front to take pictures and the wind was freezing cold. Sissy me soon ran back to the car. I would like to take some different pictures but am not to sure what or where.
Dad cut up the Christmas tree and I did some gardening with some enthusiasum to start but certainly not much passion. I want to move a plant from the back to the front but will be waiting for my gardening angel, known as Sandra, to give me advice and help digging. Dad just does not understand "why" why move things in around the house or in the garden. He is more into trimming and hacking with all his might; so I can not let him out there unattended.
One reason I had so much stuff to go through in my drawers was I also collect newspaper articles and clippings and little notes of things I think or heard or read during the day. Yes, mostly it is God stuff. I like to read about the journey that others have had and I still am searching for answers as I gather words of wisdom, tradition and stories from all around. I have found reading and learning feeds my soul in some mysterious way and I find a connection to a bigger world.
Through the T.V. we are being connected to the horrible suffering in Haiti but also through this medium we are encouraged to give and to help.
Dr. Phill was still on when we got home yesterday and he was talking about personalities and how different we can be and how set in our ways. Our personalities must not stop us from loving one another. If anyone could hear me and dad talk they would be laughing half the time as we fail to hear each other and think we have heard the strangest things. I think dad should get a hearing aid but I guess we both need them!
I wonder if God is laughing at some of the things we think he has said!

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