Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is the result of my looking for my baby book and I was forced to face the music and clean us the mess.
I guess I hit a right note in my blog judging by all the comments! Which are really the best part.
Musically this can be a challenge and when the notes blend in harmony what a joy! We are a many talented family and most important a loving and forgiving one!
Yesterday was an emotional day. First hearing of the earthquake in Grand Cayman was heart stopping as my thoughts and concerns were about our grand daughter Kim and boyfriend Mike.
We talked on the phone and she said it was minor and was taking the bus to work when we got a hold of her. She now has a dog so that will make her happy!
Also a day full of memories as I went through all my old papers and pictures and newspaper articles and cards for all occasions. I managed to clean out a lot of stuff but the cards especially have an emotional attachment that is hard to let go of. The pictures bring to mind the many happy times we have had over the years and there will be more to look forward to.
Happiness comes in times of being together and good memories live on!
Dad and I had tea with Jane and Jeff and did a book exchange. We all love to read.
Dad spent the morning ranting and raving on his blog so check it out it is a worthwhile read.
I am giving the devotional reading at the U.C.W. meeting this morning. I am touching on the subject of prayer. We now light candles at church and you can say a prayer. Some like this but others of course have different opinions. We are in a process of change in the United Church and this is never easy. Author John Shelby Spong writes about "Why Christianity must change or Die". I have never had the problem of thinking of God as the Old Man in the Sky which is the view of some today. As a child I went into my closet to pray, as scripture says and closed my door and it was so dark I was glad He was with me.. lol
The Jews in exile were encourage to sing and they did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great that you have just gone through your papers, it is something easy to put off, but they sure do start to take up space. I just through out a bunch of tax returns from way way long ago. I mean, other then they are interesting to see how much (little) I use to make, why keep them? From the size of you pile it must have taken you more than one day to do all of that.